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Deploy LP/MPS file to WML, include (for example) MIP solve parameters

  • 1.  Deploy LP/MPS file to WML, include (for example) MIP solve parameters

    Posted Mon March 18, 2024 11:40 AM

    I've (loosely) followed this example to deploy a MPS file to CP4D and run CPLEX.

    This all works very well, I just haven't yet figured out how to pass additional CPLEX parameters, such as for instance a relative MIP gap, from the docs. How would I go about it? The range of options to be passed as solve parameters appears limited, but maybe it's all about using the correct keywords?

    Florian Reichel

  • 2.  RE: Deploy LP/MPS file to WML, include (for example) MIP solve parameters

    Posted Mon March 18, 2024 11:52 AM

    That's what I get for being so impatient after posting for the first time I guess...sorry. Can an admin please delete this duplicate post?

    Florian Reichel