please advise regarding a mapping of int set and a tuple set.
Suppose, I have an int set of 5 scenarios:
{int} S={1,2,3,4,5};
I also have a tuple set "orders"consisting of 10 tuples:
tuple Orders{
key int tuple_id;
int from_node;
int to_node;
{Orders} orders= {<1,1,2>, <2,1,3>, <3,1,2>, <4,1,2>, <5,1,2>, <6,1,2>, <7,1,2>, <8,1,2>, <9,1,2>, <10,1,2>};
How could I map every two orders from "{DamandData} orders " to each scenario?
So that, for eaxmple, S=1 corresponds to orders <1,1,2>, <2,1,3> , S=2 to <3,1,2>, <4,1,2> and so on?
I will be gratefull for any advice.
Thank you