Hi, I have run into an issue with a QCQP where CPLEX gives "CPLEX Error 5002: objective is not convex.". However, the matrices in the problem are PSD, and any of the following modifications will result in CPLEX solving the problem without throwing an error:
- Reformulating the problem along of vein of replacing (a+b)^2 in the objective with c^2, and adding an "c = a + b" constraint
- Scaling every term in the objective down by a factor of 0.1
- Scaling every term in the objective up by a factor of 10
I am running with default CPLEX Interactive Optimizer settings, and am curious if anyone could provide some insight into this behavior. I've boiled the problem into a small example, and have attached the original, reformulated, scaled-up, and scaled-down versions of the problem. Thanks!