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CPLEX Academic Version: Email Revalidation at Login fails

  • 1.  CPLEX Academic Version: Email Revalidation at Login fails

    Posted Mon February 27, 2023 10:30 AM


    I have attempted to download IBM ILOG CPLEX multiple times over the past months. Unfortunately, my attempts all fail at login. I am a registered academic user and had downloaded software from the Academic Initiative before. Now I am told that

    "Your access needs to be revalidated.

    Please click on the validation link in the email sent to you to complete the recertification process. If you did not receive the email please click on resend."

    I do not receive email/s with an validation link.

    Steffen Bondorf

  • 2.  RE: CPLEX Academic Version: Email Revalidation at Login fails

    Posted Tue February 28, 2023 05:19 AM

    Hi Steffen

    I will contact you directly to try to help.



    Rory Keeley

  • 3.  RE: CPLEX Academic Version: Email Revalidation at Login fails

    Posted Thu October 12, 2023 12:46 PM

    Me too ( (Luís Alçada from faculty of economics at Coimbra university - Portugal

    I'm trying to download the ILOG CPLEX for university teachers (IBM Academic Initiative) in the URL :
    When I put my email address (  - My institutional address from Coimbra University) the page said: Your Access needs to be revalidated;  but the email with the validation link never arrives - even if I click resend several times….

    Luis Alcada

  • 4.  RE: CPLEX Academic Version: Email Revalidation at Login fails

    Posted Fri October 13, 2023 05:57 AM

    Hello Luis

    In other cases where this has happened, the problem is that the validation e-mail is being blocked by your institution's mail servers. 

    Can you please see with your university IT department if they are blocking e-mail coming from IBM Skills Build/Academic Initiative?



    Rory Keeley

  • 5.  RE: CPLEX Academic Version: Email Revalidation at Login fails

    Posted Thu October 19, 2023 05:57 AM

    Hello Rory

    My university IT department said that all its OK with e-mails from IBM.

    In fact I try to register another account I have in another department at Coimbra University ( and the process succeeded. I received e-mails from with verification codes to validate my identity.

    But when I take the new email ( to to download CPLEX the page said "Your access to IBM SkillsBuild Software Downloads has expired" you need to recertify. When I click recertify I can't edit the current degree and department (combobox are empty) and after I checked the 2 checkboxes the recertify process couldn't succeed due to missing information (degree and department)

    If I try the same with my other email ( the page said (instead) "Your Access needs to be revalidates" but the validation link never arrives (even if I click resend several times)

    Please help


    Luís Alçada-Almeida

    Luis Alcada

  • 6.  RE: CPLEX Academic Version: Email Revalidation at Login fails

    Posted Thu October 19, 2023 08:08 AM

    Hello Luís 

    You should only register one e-mail address with the IBM academic website. 

    Your *** e-mail address is returning an SMTP 554 error message when the revalidation e-mail is sent. Can you review this with your IT department?



    Rory Keeley

  • 7.  RE: CPLEX Academic Version: Email Revalidation at Login fails

    Posted Thu October 26, 2023 05:05 AM

    Hello Rory

    Now my IT department says everything is OK, but I have 2 IBMIDs and I can't delete them to start from scratch.
    How can I delete and, to create a single IBM ID again.
    This could be the problem because I received validation emails from to update my profile and password but I do not receive validation emails to recertify the CPLEX license. It could also be that the issuer is not the same and is blocked?

    Thanks for support

    Luis Alcada

  • 8.  RE: CPLEX Academic Version: Email Revalidation at Login fails