Sorry for the late response. I have contacted the IT department of my institution and they have fixed the issue. As you mentioned, the mail server was refusing the validation email from IBM SkillsBuild as it was considered spam. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you.
Original Message:
Sent: Wed October 04, 2023 08:04 AM
From: Rory Keeley
Subject: Academic Edition License Recertification
Hello Marta
The issue with Mario's access to the validation link was his institution's mail server was refusing the validation e-mail from IBM.
Can you please check with your IT department that this is not happening?
Rory Keeley
Original Message:
Sent: Wed October 04, 2023 06:36 AM
From: Marta
Subject: Academic Edition License Recertification
I am also having the same problem as Mário when trying to complete the recertification process in order to access my IBM Academic Initiative/SkillsBuild account. Despite trying multiple times, I have not received an email with a validation link. Is there another way I can receive the validation link so I can complete the process?
Thank you.
Original Message:
Sent: Mon September 04, 2023 11:01 AM
From: Rory Keeley
Subject: Academic Edition License Recertification
Hello Mário
I'm investigating with the site administrator.
Rory Keeley
Original Message:
Sent: Sat September 02, 2023 05:58 AM
From: Mário Simões
Subject: Academic Edition License Recertification
Hello, I had previously the academic version of IBM iLOG CPLEX, but a error occurred in the Pycharm IDE:

I am seeking your assistance with an issue I've been facing while attempting to revalidate my Academic Edition License for the IBM iLOG CPLEX Optimization Studio API in Python.
As part of the recertification process, I have repeatedly requested the validation link to be sent to my registered email address. However, despite multiple attempts to resend the email, I have not received the validation link. This situation is preventing me from accessing the download resources provided by the IBM iLOG CPLEX Optimization Studio.
The steps I have made:
If there are any additional details or information required from my end to expedite this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Thank you very much for your assistance in addressing this issue.
Mário Simões