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  • 1.  Questions regarding the pricing/buying options of watsonx.data

    Posted Tue June 04, 2024 09:59 AM

    Hello everyone! I am new to the IBM Community, and I would like some pointers regarding the usage of watsonx.data. In more details, I am working for a company in Greece that is looking to migrate their services to watsonx.data. As a result, I am tasked with researching about the general services of watsonx, as well as, the information such as its architecture and pricing. The emphasis is on watsonx.data. The following are some question that I have, and I would appreciate it if you could answer them.

    1. On the AWS marketplace, there are two different instances of the watsonx.data as a service, as you can see in the images below. Is there a need to buy both of them or choose between them?
    2. Similarly, do I need to also buy the watsonx software before buying the watsonx.data?
    3. Finally, if the software is bought through AWS Marketplace, do I use it through AWS or with IBM Cloud?
      The first variant of the watsonx.data as service
    The second variant of the watsonx.data as service
    That would it, for now, hopefully. Thank you in advance, to anyone that can help.


    Yiannis Makantasis

  • 2.  RE: Questions regarding the pricing/buying options of watsonx.data

    Posted Tue June 04, 2024 03:40 PM

    Hi Yiannis,

    1. On the AWS marketplace, there are two different instances of the watsonx.data as a service, as you can see in the images below. Is there a need to buy both of them or choose between them?         [ak] You would pick one watsonx.data service.  The different options on the screen you showed above are for t-shirt sizes.  Depending on how many resource units you would want to consume, then you would pick the appropriate t-shirt size based on that.  eg. Xtra-small, small, medium, large -> just pick one
    2. Similarly, do I need to also buy the watsonx software before buying the watsonx.data?                                                                                                                                                                                                              [ak] you can buy watsonx.data by itself.  No need to buy other components in order to make it work
    3. Finally, if the software is bought through AWS Marketplace, do I use it through AWS or with IBM Cloud?                                                                                                                                                                               [ak] if you are buying it through AWS marketplace, then you are using it through AWS.  watsonx.data service running on AWS.

    Anson Kokkat

  • 3.  RE: Questions regarding the pricing/buying options of watsonx.data

    Posted Wed June 05, 2024 01:59 AM

    Thank you vey much for the immediate reply!

    If I may ask one more question, as you can see in my original post, in the 1st picture they talk about Resource units, while in the 2nd image they mention credits. Are those words just different terms for the same thing? That was another cause of confusion for me.

    Kind regards,


    Yiannis Makantasis

  • 4.  RE: Questions regarding the pricing/buying options of watsonx.data

    Posted Thu June 06, 2024 09:15 AM

    Hi Yiannis,

    Yes, resource units and credits are pretty much the same thing.

    ... Anson

    Anson Kokkat