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  • 1.  Install of watsonx.data developer version

    Posted Tue December 12, 2023 11:09 AM
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    I try to install developer version of watsonx.data on RHEL 9 with Podman.

    Installation seems OK, but when I try to access the console I get the message "Unexpected erroroccured". And no other explanation.
    No logs in watsonx directory, No idea how to fix the problem. 
    I followed the procedure step by step - quite simple. Does anyone know how I can locate the problem?

    thanks in advance



    Jerzy Konarski

  • 2.  RE: Install of watsonx.data developer version

    Posted Tue December 12, 2023 12:12 PM


    After reboot it seems to work, Sorry,


    Jerzy Konarski

  • 3.  RE: Install of watsonx.data developer version

    Community Leadership
    Posted Tue December 12, 2023 07:03 PM

    Hi Jerry, 

    Just wanted to check-in to see if everything is working as expected.



    AI Community Manager


  • 4.  RE: Install of watsonx.data developer version

    Posted Thu December 14, 2023 06:45 AM

    Hi Nickolus,

    The watsonx.data console works, mino too, but I still have  two problems that don't allow me to move forward. Two may be linked, but maybe not.

    The first is the connection with metastore. I don't know how to lunch the "ibm-lh-hive-metastore" and it does not start with start command.

    It doesn't work, so I can't add content.
    The second is Jupyter Notebook which does not launch. Difficult to understand why.

    Both are quite blocking

    I installed with a non-root user, as in the documentation. And with podman.
    On the virtual machine found on Techzone the installation was done with the root + account using docker. Maybe it comes from there?
    In any case I have no idea how to continue :(.

    If I can get some help that would be great.


    Jerzy Konarski

  • 5.  RE: Install of watsonx.data developer version

    Community Leadership
    Posted Tue December 19, 2023 09:11 AM

    Hi Jerzy,

    My apologies for the delay in responding to your latest issue with getting the software to work. Are you still having issues? If so, I will get someone to assist you.



    Nick Plowden
    Community Engagement

  • 6.  RE: Install of watsonx.data developer version

    Posted Tue December 19, 2023 02:15 PM

    Hello Nicolus and thank you for this email,

    For the moment I have not been able to get my watsonx.data environment to work.
    Perhaps I will need assistance, but first I would like to try the installation with Docker. Right now I have another installation problem - Cognos Jupyter - which works with Docker but not with Podman. Maybe that will help me.
    I'll keep you posted and thank you for your help.

    Jerzy Konarski

  • 7.  RE: Install of watsonx.data developer version

    Posted Wed December 20, 2023 05:02 PM

    Hi Nickolus,

    I just finished the installation with docker and... it works much better than with podman.

    And it is good and not good. Good, because I will be able to move forward with wx.data, not good because podman is announced as being supported and even logically it should work on podman rather than docker. I remind you that docker is not officially supported on RHEL and Red Hat (an IBM company) recommends the use of podman.
    The installation I did is identical for both so I would like to known what to do with podman for it to work.
    thanks in advance

    Jerzy Konarski