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IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents
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Rollback Process Design for zOS Deployment in UrbanCode Deploy UrbanCode Deploy ships with a zOS Utility plugin which contains Deploy Data sets and Rollback Data sets steps to perform deployment and rollback on environment target datasets respectively. This blog will not talk about how...
This article was originaly published in 2020.08.19 z/OS Multi-Generate Artifact Information This video explains how to use the new Multi generate artifact plugin for zOS. It's a one-step to generate all your artifact information. You can download the plugin from IBM UrbanCode Deploy...
This blog is to intended to provide you a sample installation steps for UrbanCode Deploy (UCD) on z/OS. This blog is mainly contributed by Regi Barosa in IBM. Thanks to him for the effort. Here are the steps I did to install UCD Server on my Windows and the z/OS agent using version 7.0.2. I will...
In the first part of this blog we have seen how to install UrbanCode Server and Agent for z/OS usage. It gave you an introduction to UrbanCode Deploy (now DevOps Deploy) for z/OS. In the next installment of this blog we will have a short look at using generic processes. Generic processes can...
UrbanCode Deploy (now DevOps Deploy) automates the deployments of applications through environments with control and visibility to speed products to market with repeatability and governance. It is designed to facilitate rapid feedback and continuous delivery in agile development while providing...
IBM started selling IBM GitLab Ultimate this year. It's a DevOps end-to end-platform that contains the functionality DevOps teams need to get started easily and quickly with a continuous delivery platform. To GitLab Ultimate, IBM adds enterprise capabilities needed for deep specialized...