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  • 1.  Docker Registry Plugin - Amazon EC2 Container Registry

    Posted Thu October 06, 2022 09:45 AM
    I am using the Docker Registry Plugin - Amazon EC2 Container Registry edition ;-) for the first time and i have a question.  I was able to import a version and the automatic polling is working, but although I have used UCD for many years, I am new to this registry and images of the game.

    Should i have see an actual artifact under my component version, or will that get pulled when i deploy the version.  I am used to seeing artifacts when i create version for my WAS and ACE applications...

    Requesting images for repository, 'xxx'
    command: aws ecr list-images --repository-name xxx
    [Action] Creating new version, xxx
    [Ok] Import Complete​

    Please help an old Yeti learn a new trick.


    Thomas Gould

  • 2.  RE: Docker Registry Plugin - Amazon EC2 Container Registry

    Rational Test- Active Member
    Posted Fri October 07, 2022 12:58 PM
    I think this blog entry (a re-publishing of an older one) can give you the anwer.
    In short, you use the Docker Registry plugin (is like a normal source plugin, so it either needs to pull regularily the registry, or get pushed a new version manualy/automatically by script) to "import" new versions (only creating component versions pointing to the image version in the container registry). During deployment it will pull then from the registry.

    Hope this helps

    Osman Burucu
    Product Manager UrbanCode Family

  • 3.  RE: Docker Registry Plugin - Amazon EC2 Container Registry

    Posted Tue October 11, 2022 03:06 PM
    So - I should have been more precise, how can I use UCD's OpenShift for UrbanCode Deploy Plugin to deploy/update the version to/in my Openshift Cluster?   What best practice?  What steps should I be using?

    I tried to use the "Deploy" step but I have opened a ticket because if the plugin is trying to run "oc deploy ..." there is no such command.

    Thomas Gould
    Solutions Architect
    Converge Technology Partners

  • 4.  RE: Docker Registry Plugin - Amazon EC2 Container Registry

    Rational Test- Active Member
    Posted Mon October 17, 2022 05:23 AM
    Kubernetes and Openshift provide the apply command which you can use to create a deployment and also to update it. Example:
    1. first deployment using mydeployment.yml where a given version of container and configuration parameters are used
    2. use openshift plugin step "apply" to create the deployment into your openshift cluster (see screenshot of step details)
    3. then there are several ways depending on what you want to update. I only describe here the usage with "apply"
    4. in your git-repository a new version of the image or changed configuration parameters are applied to your mydeployment.yml .
    5. You import a new version of your component and deploy this new version again against the same environment
    6. This deployment will now apply the updated yaml file (f.e. new image or changed paramters) to the deployment.

    Hope this helps.

    Osman Burucu
    Product Manager UrbanCode Family