Easily transfer your data from DOORS to DOORS Next Generation (DNG), without the need to modify your data in DOORS Classic prior to the migration? Our partner, REQUISIS, has developed a migration tool that helps ensure a smooths transition process and transforms the existing data into the shape of DOORS Next.
With this tool multiple major Car & Truck Manufactures and Suppliers have migrated from DOORS 9 to DOOORS Next Generation.
The approach facilitates migration with either support assistance or self-conducted migration, catering to both users with deep knowledge and those without.
Interested to learn more? Register now and witness the simplicity of migrating from DOORS 9 to DNG with the help of Nikolai Stein, expert for DOORS, DOORS Next and all related migration topics, and delve into the solution focusing on:
- Reasons for Migration / Motivations Behind Migration
- Navigating the Migration Process through:
- Planning,
- Analysis of existing Data,
- Preparation,
- Migration Execution
- Validation &
- DOORS 9 Sundown
- Best-Practices and Lessons-Learned from big migration projects from major German car companies
Key speakers

Nikolai Stein, Expert for DOORS, DOORS Next and all related migration topics, REQUISIS
In the last 20 years, Nikolai Stein has been working for major German automotive manufacturers and suppliers to optimize their Requirements Management Systems, especially with focus on the requirements interchange process and tooling. In 2007, he founded REQUISIS GmbH. Together with his team, he has implemented various tools for DOORS 9 and DOORS Next Generation, e.g. the ReqIF-Manager for DNG or requisis_MiX the DOORS 9 to DOORS Next Migration Tool which provides a fully integrated migration approach.
In the last years he and his team have migrated multiple big car manufactures and suppliers from DOORS 9 to DNG. In 2021, he created a Kubernetes-based deployment for IBM ELM and his company is offering ELM SaaS Services for Customers in the EU and the US based on his initial work.
Recently, he is working with his team on an AI assistant for IBM ELM that will allow customers to reduce support costs by offering assistance to the user and allowing to create qualified tickets. Later. the assistant also shall assist in comparing Requirements, finding conflicts and duplicates, and suggesting new requirements.