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Shareable edit not functioning properly

  • 1.  Shareable edit not functioning properly

    Posted Fri May 07, 2021 05:32 AM

    We are trying to set up modules for shareable edit, which we have managed to do earlier.

    For some reason we have have totally random behaviour. E.g., if I set up sharing at level 3, I may obtain

    • some sections at level 3 which I can lock
    • some single objects at various levels which I can lock - but NOT the whole section!
    • etc.

    If I check the access rights of objects, I can obtain "Inherit from parent" missing here and there, ie. not systematically for all objects in certain section.

    I have tried delsects.dxl, but this doesn't help: the situation returns always.

    Is this possibly a bug in DOORS 9.6 or do we possibly have a problem in DOORS database or client itself?


  • 2.  RE: Shareable edit not functioning properly

    Posted Mon May 17, 2021 06:45 PM

    Probably quickest and most reliable process to get this answered, if your organization has a support contract, is to open a Case with IBM Support

    If there really is a bug, then reporting it would help us all !

    If it's an issue with your particular site files, then Support could properly diagnose that.
