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DOORS V9.7.2.3 Download ? Error

  • 1.  DOORS V9.7.2.3 Download ? Error

    Posted Mon June 14, 2021 11:36 AM


    the DOORS Version was announct by e-mail Notification. But the link in that e-mail, also the normal Download or Fix Central provide that version . SO wher can I get that ?

    Kind Regards



  • 2.  RE: DOORS V9.7.2.3 Download ? Error

    Posted Mon June 14, 2021 03:07 PM

    Hi Ralf,

    DOORS 9.7.2.(fixpack)3 has been temporarily removed from Fix Central, while we are remedying some issues with the fixpack's installer on Windows OS.

    It will be made available again within the next few days. Should you have any urgent issues, that require as the solution, please open a support ticket so we can discuss your issue and any options to provide you with a workaround until the fixpack is back online. If you can wait, I suggest to check back the above URL. I'll also post another answer here, when it is back online.

    Kind regards,


    Disclaimer: I work for IBM DOORS product support, all views and opinions expressed here are my own. If you require official IBM assistance, please open a support case in your support portal.
