Original Message:
Sent: Mon October 21, 2024 01:57 PM
From: Sean F
Subject: [DOORS 9.7] Links in baseline set missing
The above example scenario is based on the idea that you baseline M1 (the user req spec) to 1.0 once it is finalised for V1 of the product (allowing development of future M1 2.0 to go ahead under M1 Current). You then develop (and link) the live current version of M2 (sys reqs) against the M1 baseline. Once M2 is complete you baseline it to 1.0 and the links drop down into the baseline set.
It would be better if the tool had a built in method for copying links from the baselines forward into the current version pair of M1 and M2.
I used to have a DXL script that would do that. I will see if I can dig it out.
Sean F
Original Message:
Sent: Thu October 17, 2024 12:51 PM
From: Anne
Subject: [DOORS 9.7] Links in baseline set missing
Thanks Sean for your feedback! So if I want to link M2(Current) to both M1(1.0) and M1(Current), I actually need to create these two links before baselining M2(1.0).
Original Message:
Sent: Sun October 13, 2024 02:28 PM
From: Sean F
Subject: [DOORS 9.7] Links in baseline set missing
This might be a typical process for using baseline sets:
Create and populate Modules M1 (target module e.g. user requirements) and M2 (source module e.g. system requirements) in project P1
Create Baseline Set Definition BSD1 in P1
Add M1 and M2 to BSD1
Create a new Baseline set BS1 as version 1.0 from BSD1
Baseline M1 into BS1 as M1(1.0)
Create link from M2(Current) to M1(1.0)
There should now be a navigable link from M2(Current) to M1(1.0)
Baseline M2 into BS1 as M2(1.0)
There should now be a navigable link from M2(1.0) to M1(1.0)
There should no longer be any outgoing link from M2(Current)
There should be no incoming link to M1(Current)
Sean F
Original Message:
Sent: Mon October 07, 2024 12:03 PM
From: Anne-Claire Faure
Subject: [DOORS 9.7] Links in baseline set missing
Hi community,
I'm working with baseline sets in DOORS 9.7. As mentioned in the documentation, baseline sets are used in phased development projects Baseline sets for traceability in phased developments - IBM Documentation So I should be able to baseline a module of my baseline set at some moment in time, and later on baseline another module in the baseline set. The baseline set should retain the links between these 2 modules. Why isn't it the case for me?
I've read following topic IBM Rational DOORS: Links in Baseline Set Missing , but then I don't understand the fact they mention it is to be used in "phased developments"
Thank you
Anne-Claire Faure