Sterling B2B Integration

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Sterling Openshift Certified Containers in the Cloud series: Part 1 - An Introduction

By Carlos Chivardi posted Thu November 12, 2020 09:40 AM


Co-authors: Adolfo Loustaunau and Brian Hall

Imagine that you are in charge of all the B2B interactions between your company and its trading partners. Also, imagine that one of your company’s products  is experiencing a sudden surge of unexpected demand. Maybe the product was better received than expected, or a big weather event (like a hurricane) or other unforeseen events*, are driving its demand much higher than projected. So far so good.

Now imagine that the demand is so high that your systems can’t scale enough to meet the demand, and you can’t process all purchase orders, so your partners go elsewhere, costing your company a lot of missed revenue. Not so good.

Traditional software deployments are sized for your peak demand period based on previous historic volumes and deployed on dedicated hardware. This model makes it difficult to scale to meet higher volume requirements, and also leaves a lot of processing power unused during periods of lower volume. But what if you could enable your B2B infrastructure to automatically scale out, based on any peak in demand, no matter how big or unexpected, and scale the infrastructure back to its normal capacity when the peak demand is over?  What if you could utilize that idle processing power for other applications in your business, or enjoy a cost savings during that time?

In addition to that increase in flexibility, what if your B2B infrastructure could automatically identify when one of its components is not working properly, and address that failure by itself?  Imagine not having to intervene and manually fix something at 3 am, when most of these issues seem to occur. What if you could do that today? And what if we show you how to do it? 

As you may know by now, I’m talking about some of the added value that a Kubernetes platform brings to cloud native solutions. IBM provides market leading solutions for Kubernetes with Red Hat Openshift) and Sterling B2B Collaboration suite of solutions.

In this first part of our blog series, my IBM colleagues, Adolfo Loustaunau, Brian Hall, and myself, will cover how to take advantage of OpenShift and IBM B2Bi/SFG Red Hat OpenShift (RHOS) Certified containers. We will focus on how you can leverage both of them working together, and how they will make your business more nimble, efficient and resilient.

In the following blog posts we will include the following topics in this sequence, among others:

1. Autoscaling
2. Self-healing
3. Rolling Updates
4. Code Ready Containers (CRC) set up
5. CRC B2Bi/SFG deployment
6. CRC Connect Direct (C:D) Deployment
7. Deploying a new Openshift Cluster in the Cloud
8. Deploying B2Bi/SFG in the Cloud
9. B2Bi/SFG Containers High Availability
10. CI/CD Deployment

Stay tuned to this community for these upcoming blog posts in this series, and please let us know in the comments your thoughts and any other IBM Sterling content you would like to read about.


*For example, with Covid-19, demand has grown for a wide range of diverse products, such as: vitamin supplements, sound insulation plasterboards, home mortgages, microscopes, store shelving, plastic bags, VPNs, Blueberries, and rifles, just to mention a few.


