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Missed IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents? On-demand viewing is available here
NOTE: This content was originally published under the IBM developerWorks site. Since the location where this content was published is being taken offline the content is being copied here so it can continue to be accessed. The document attached to this post was previously published in 2017. ...
Originally posted by: seb IBM Systems Technical University 2018 in Rome is already 3 weeks ago and I still try to sort all the impressions I got. There were a lot of topics that merely felt like hypes before but now really impact day-to-day reality. NVMe over FC, deep learning and even...
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Originally posted by: Th. Mühge The emerging field of "brain inspired computing" has the potential to revolutionize the computer industry. So why is it so promising to design new computers inspired by the human brain? Current computer processors are based on the “Von Neumann”...