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IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents
Join us 23 January from 11 AM - 6 PM ET as over 30 speakers from IBM and key AI industry leaders discuss the latest AI trends.
Storage Capacity Unit (SCU) とは、IBM System Storage 製品が提供する各種機能の従量課金単位です。 2020年2月11日現在 IBM Spectrum Virtualize *, IBM Virtual Storage Center (VSC)*, IBM Spectrum Control ** 製品に対して SCU 単位の課金方式が適用 * IBM SAN Volume Controller あるいは IBM FlashSystem 上で外部仮想化機能を利用する場合...
Last year IBM super-charged its FlashSystem A9000 & A9000R all-flash enterprise block storage offering with HyperSwap , allowing customers to exceed the built-in five-nines availability, as far as getting IBM guarantee for zero interruption to data availability . With HyperSwap 2-copy...
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Are you familiar with the moment when you suddenly understand that something you changed helped a lot of people? Did you ever produce something that you know has been a missing piece for years, and that its addition will change and help hundreds of people? Well, we did. A request from...
Originally posted by: seb You have an IBM XIV or are interested in obtaining the tuning-hassle-free enterprise grid-scale storage system? Then this might be your last chance to register for this year's IBM XIV User Group Meeting in Mainz, Germany. This technical event is presented by...
Originally posted by: hannes one XIV HAK news On June 26th IBM announced a Version 2.1 of the IBM XIV Host Attachment Kit! It's available again via FixCentral and we recommend to update to the latest version. The main feature is the support for 11.3 Code on XIV...
Originally posted by: hannes one As Sebastian mentioned in the first post of this new blog you will find some cool information about IBM Storage Products and their surroundings. I am Hannes, working for IBM as second level support for IBM XIV Storage systems for nearly five years. For a...