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  • 1.  Storage Defender

    Posted 8 days ago

    Hi everyone, I've just watched a couple of webinars but I still have some doubts about the main features of the product. Firsly I don't understand where the ransom detection happens... does Defender analyse the vmdk (at storage level) or the vm writes (hypervisor level), and hoe can detect ransom? Does it use an encryption detection algorithm? Thank you everyone! 

    Luca Ortolan

  • 2.  RE: Storage Defender

    Posted 7 days ago

    Dear Luca,

    Defender comes into place, when you will scan your secondary data / backup data. Defender can be used with cleanroom environments to scna Backup data to get a hint, if a backup is infected.
    If you want to get a Ransomware Detection on primary data, then you will have to use the right hardware. RDT is a feature of the FlashCore Modules 4th generation in conjunction with Storage Virtualize 8.6.3.x and above (i will suggest 8.7.0.x) and Storage Insights pro. The Admin will get alarmed and this alarm can be processed by a SIEM/SOAR solution to, for example, trigger a Safeguarded Copy.

    kind regards


    Martin Haussmann
    TD SYNNEX Germany

  • 3.  RE: Storage Defender

    Posted 7 days ago


    IBM Storage Defender is designed to leverage sensors across primary and 
    secondary workloads to detect threats and anomalies from backup metadata, 
    array snapshots and other relevant threat indicators. Signals from all available 
    sensors are aggregated by IBM Storage Defender, whether signals originate 
    from hardware (FCM) or software (file system or backup based detection). 
    This proactive capability helps you detect and address an array of threats before 
    they can impact your data. It now also includes an AI powered Trust Index that 
    provides you with a score to indicate the relative trustworthiness of your copies 
    by combining signals from existing solutions and new detection methodologies 
    developed by IBM Research unique to Storage Defender.
    Consider one way this could improve your operational resilience. IBM Storage 
    Defender can detect anomalies in an SAP HANA database as data is written 
    to primary or secondary storage, then leverage that knowledge when creating 
    copies of the data to ensure that the data being copied is not compromised

    Rohit Chauhan

  • 4.  RE: Storage Defender

    Posted 7 days ago

    Dear Rohit

    Can you explain in detail how the sensors work? Is Insights pro required for the sensor to work or can he replace the alarmfunction of insights pro?

    Martin Haussmann
    TD SYNNEX Germany

  • 5.  RE: Storage Defender

    Posted 6 days ago

    Hi Luca! There are two components that are targetting ransomware in the Defender ecosystem. First is the FlashCore Module, which is specific to the hardware in place. It has a basic capability as it is processing data as it is written to the storage. This monitors for specific markers such as entropy and encryption in real time, mainly looking at the metadata of the files being written. Going deeper, within Defender, there is the Copy Data Manager software that can manage the snapshot process of your data, create SafeGuarded Copys, and then using it's built in "Security Scan", will mount up the snapshot and perform a complete scan of the content itself, not just the metadata, looking for signs of corruption due to ransomware. This method offers 99.99% accuracy almost completely eliminating fales positives and negatives. Once a scan is complete, the SafeGuarded Copy is stamped as clean and is usable to recover in the event of a ransomware attack. 

    Joseph Hand

  • 6.  RE: Storage Defender

    IBM Champion
    Posted 6 days ago

    IBM Storage Copy Data Management  doesn't have "built in - Security Scan" feature. Security Scan option comes with IBM Storage Sentinel integration (it's another licensed software runs on security scan server) . 

    Nezih Boyacioglu