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  • 1.  SSIC, Power10, AIX, and LTO tape options

    Posted Wed May 22, 2024 11:57 AM

    In SSIC (, I've selected "Host Platform=IBM Power Systems (p6 and newer)", and "Server Model=IBM POWER10 Servers", and "Operating System=IBM AIX 7.3 TL2".  Now, when I select "Storage Family", no LTO tape options appear whatsoever.  What should I make of this?  Does a Power10-based system running AIX 7.3 TL2 not have any support for LTO at all?

    How do we go about supporting LTO options (e.g., LTO 9) on Power10 machines?

    Carlo Castillo

  • 2.  RE: SSIC, Power10, AIX, and LTO tape options

    Posted Thu May 23, 2024 01:09 AM

    Dear Carlo

    I started a different way. First i select LTO, then Power 10 Machine, FC as Protocol and then you will see all the supportet OSes. AIX 7.3 and AIX 7.3 TL1 are listed and you can select from the HBA list an apropiate HBA. 

    The Tape portion of SSIC is not on the top of actuality, sorry to say this. From SSIC standpoint LTO was not supportet with direct FC Attach using IBM i also, but looking at IBM i support sites, there is a support and there are some HBA in that list. So try to get Info from the AIX side too.

    kind regards Martin

    Martin Haussmann
    TD SYNNEX Germany

  • 3.  RE: SSIC, Power10, AIX, and LTO tape options

    Posted Thu May 23, 2024 09:59 AM

    Thanks Martin.  I guess you're also unable to select AIX 7.3 TL2?

    Carlo Castillo

  • 4.  RE: SSIC, Power10, AIX, and LTO tape options

    Posted Thu May 23, 2024 02:01 PM

    Hi Carlo,

    The SSIC might need some updates for AIX support.  On Power10 EJ10/EJ11 is supported for LTO devices up to LTO8.  The sales manual has details...Family 9105+02 IBM Power S1024 (9105-42A) - IBM Documentation I have the link here for the S1024.  AIX and VIOS are supported.

    The problem is these feature codes were withdrawn as of January 2024.  We are working to bring these adapters back under different feature codes for use with AIX and VIOS only, outlook is a couple of months.  The new FCs will support all the same tape devices the EJ10/EJ11 adapters supported.  The adapter will not support LTO9 or later devices.

    John Folkerts

  • 5.  RE: SSIC, Power10, AIX, and LTO tape options

    Posted Thu May 23, 2024 05:46 PM

    Dear Carlo,

    you are right, i also cannot select AIX 7.3 TL2.

    Dear John

    The SSIC need definityely an update regarding Power Machines (IBM i and AIX, maybe also Linux) and Tape. I talked to Sepp Weingand here in germany, a IBM Tape Fellow, but it seems, that nothing has changed till now.

    Bringing back an adapter in a timeframe of a couple of months, that will only support up to LTO8 might not be a good solution.

    LTO6 has a withdrawal from Aug 2021, LTO7 was withdrawn Dec 2023, so i expect Withdrawal of LTO8 around 1H26, but this is my personal horizon.
    Tape is a longterm product, so LTO9 Support and beyond is mandatory from my point of view, or we have to think of Enterprise Tape depending the number of drives and Library requirement, or only a single drive, we do not know at the moment.

    An additional point of view is the Tapewriting Software (TSM, Netbackup or others). Does this Application support LTO9 with available FC HBAs with AIX 7.3 TL2?

    regards Martin

    Martin Haussmann
    TD SYNNEX Germany