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IBM Storage Insights: Integration with Cloud Pak for AIOps

By Randhir Singh posted Sat January 18, 2025 05:47 AM



In this article, we outline the steps to integrate IBM Storage Insights with IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps(CP4AIOps) for alert management. IBM Storage Insights offers real-time visibility into storage health, performance, and capacity, identifying alerts across the systems it monitors. CP4AIOps, powered by AI, detects anomalies, correlates alerts, and identifies related tickets. Together, these tools enable proactive storage issue resolution, reduce alert noise, and streamline incident response.

IBM Storage Insights' support for webhooks enables it to send alert data directly to CP4AIOps in real time. Once received, CP4AIOps processes the data using its AI-driven capabilities to generate alerts, detect anomalies, correlate related alerts, and aggregate them into incidents.


To get the most out of this article, you should have CP4AIOps v4.8 successfully installed on your OpenShift cluster (v4.16+). 

Configure CP4AIOps to receive alerts

Let’s now create an instance of the Generic Webhook. On the CP4AIOps console, click Integrations, click on Add integration button on the upper right corner. Proceed to the Generic Webhook category. You should then see several webhook options to configure (see screenshots below).

At this stage, we've to provide event mapping. When CP4AIOps receives alert payload from IBM Storage Insights, it will use the event mapping defined here to create alerts in CP4AIOps. Use the following JSONata configuration to map incoming IBM Storage Insights Ransomware Alerts to CP4AIOps alert. Click on Done to save.
        "severity": severity="Alert" ? 6 : severity="Emergency" ? 6 : severity="Critical" ? 6 : severity="Error" ? 5 : severity="Warning"? 3 : severity="Notice" ? 2 : severity="Info"? 2 : severity="Debug" ? 2 : 1,
        "summary": name,
        "resource": {
            "name": deviceType,
            "type": resourceType,
            "tenantUUID": tenantUUID
        "type": {
            "classification": subcatecory,
            "eventType":  "problem"
        "sender": {
            "name": "IBM Storage Insights",
            "type": "Webhook Connector",
             "device": alertSource
        "expirySeconds": id="-1" ? 300
Wait for the webhook to transition to Running state. Note down the webhook URL that we'll use in the next step.

Configure IBM Storage Insights to send alerts

Copy the webhook URL from CP4AIOps and configure IBM Storage Insights to send JSON data to this URL.

On the IBM Storage Insights console, click Configuration, click on Integrations button on the menu. Proceed to the Add Integration. You should then see several webhook options to configure (see screenshots below). In the URL, paste the URL copied, and select No Auth for authentication.

Once all the fields are configured, test the webhook by sending a sample request from IBM Storage Insights.
This will create an alert in CP4AIOps. 
An incident will be created and alerts will be rolled into it as per the policy configured in CP4AIOps.


In this article, we discussed how to leverage Generic Webhook integration to feed IBM Storage Insights alerts into CP4AIOps. We went over several steps for defining webhooks on CP4AIOps, and using the webhook to configure integration in IBM Storage Insights. When IBM Storage Insights detects a Ransomware alert in a storage system, it will send the alert payload to CP4AIOps, where an alert and an incident will be created for analysis leveraging AI capabilities of CP4AIOps.


Thanks to @Ramakrishna Vadla  @Anil Chand Shetty and the IBM Storage Insights team who supported and shaped the ideas on ecosystem integration. 


  1. CP4AIOps Demo -
  2. IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps -

