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IBM Champion Spotlight: Mark T. Petersen

By Namitha K posted Wed February 28, 2024 01:50 AM


Meet Mark T. Petersen, an experienced Storage Architect and IT Manager at the University of Iowa Health Care, who recently earned the fabulous title of IBM Champion in 2024!  With a career spanning various roles in technology, Mark shares his insights and passion for the industry. Mark's enthusiasm for technology is evident as he declares IBM Storage Virtualize as his favorite product. He emphasises its pivotal role in their block storage and refresh strategy. When it comes to advocacy, Mark shines through his blogging endeavours, engaging with diverse topics. Although not a regular public speaker, he thrives on in-person collaborations whenever possible.

                  Driven by a desire to give back to the technology community, Mark actively participates in the IBM Technical Client Council, fostering connections with both fellow customers and IBM resources. His goal is to learn more and drive adoption by sharing his experiences and insights. Becoming an IBM Champion is a testament to his commitment to positively impacting the user experience through feedback and advisory roles.

Mark's journey in technology started from the ground up, transitioning from a computer operator to a system administrator and architect. About 18 years ago, he was entrusted with leading a group of storage administrators, a role he embraced with pride. In 2020, Mark expanded his responsibilities by adding a Server Virtualization and DevOps team to his portfolio, showcasing his continuous growth and adaptability. While thriving in the technology field, Mark's dream job outside of tech would be in the healthcare sector. Interestingly, he began his post-secondary education with aspirations of becoming a physical therapist.

Meet Mark in person at the IBM Tech Exchange conference 2024 Las Vegas, eager to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. Mark T. Petersen's story exemplifies a passion for technology, a commitment to community engagement, and a continuous quest for personal and professional growth. As an IBM Champion, he remains dedicated to shaping a positive user experience and contributing to the ever-evolving landscape of technology.


Lightning round:

 What would be your superpower and why?  Helping others to trust in me to share their burdens so I can better understand how to help them.

Ice cream or cake?  I have to choose :(

 Cats or dogs?  None

Summer or winter?  Summer, all year round.

 Morning or evening?  Evening.

eBook or paper book?  Paper, you have to disconnect sometime.

TV shows or movies? Anything classic car restoration related.

A night out or a night in? Night out.

Cannonball into the pool or dip a toe in first?  Dip toe in first.

Go-to karaoke song?  Journey (Don't stop believin')

Drive or fly?  Drive


Connect with Mark in LinkedIn and Community page







