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  • 1.  Access role required for resilient servicenow integration

    Posted Fri June 12, 2020 08:15 AM
    The instruction here: 
    says it require administrative user in service-now

    # Username and Password for your Administrative User in ServiceNow

    However, here it says it requires x_ibmrt_resilient.integrator role.

    I assigned the role x_ibmrt_resilient.integrator to the account but didn't work. It was throwing 
    User Not Authenticated error in selftest. I then added adminrole and it starts working.

    Why do we need admin level access on ServiceNow? 

    Nitin Shrivastava

  • 2.  RE: Access role required for resilient servicenow integration

    Posted Mon June 15, 2020 10:50 AM
    Hi Nitin,

    The servicenow app has the integrator role, however the sub roles that the integrator role utilizes admin permission level procedures. As such, to ensure the app is functional long term, it was necessary to have the elevated permissions required. Thanks for your question.

    Kind regards,

    Sean OGorman

  • 3.  RE: Access role required for resilient servicenow integration

    Posted Tue June 16, 2020 04:18 PM
    Hi Sean,
    Thanks for the reply.
    From how much I have explored the app so far, My interpretation is (please correct me if I am wrong here), the account that we mention in app.config is only used to make API calls to /api/x_ibmrt_resilient/api endpoint that IBM resilient app has created on servicenow end. Why we need such a high permissive role (admin) for this?

    Nitin Shrivastava

  • 4.  RE: Access role required for resilient servicenow integration

    Posted Wed June 17, 2020 03:43 AM
    Hi Sean,
    Similar question.  We are operating in a Security environment were we should aim for least privileges possible.  

    In our Bank and Insurance Group, this is a showstopper for usage of the App.

    Hope this can be reviewed.

    Kris Caron