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QRadar App Development – Recommended base version – v4

By ASHISH KOTHEKAR posted Tue October 08, 2024 04:58 AM


With the release of QRadar 7.5 UP7, the new app base image v4 is now available. For upcoming QRadar releases, it is highly recommended to build apps using base image v4. This version includes updated Python versions, which reduces exposure to many vulnerabilities.

If you have existing apps using v2 or v3, it is recommended to update the base app image to v4. We have already released a technote with all the details on how to migrate the base image version for existing apps:

To understand the packages included in base image v4.0.6, check this link:

Another blog was released a few days ago where we explained the signing changes effective post-August 2024:

To sum it up, if you are building a new app, ensure that:
a. You are using base image version 4.
b. You are building the app on QRadar version 7.5 UP9 to accommodate the signing changes.

If you have any further queries, feel free to contact the TAP team at

