I am excited to announce the release of our new Administration capabilities for Planning Analytics. We have made significant strides into improving the experience for our analyst and consumers in as well as those who build and define models, and like all great customers, you’ve told us, we now...
In the August 11th update of Planning Analytics Workspace the Set Editor acquired a few more tricks. Double-Click to Drill To quickly drill down one level on the left side of the set editor, simply double-click on any member. This keeps the item you selected and expands it one level. This same...
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Do you or your organization require access to a financial and performance management software? Do you need privacy for your digital information? Encryption is the most effective way to achieve security for your information, and you can now easily set up and access PGP encryption for IBM®...
Sometimes there's more to your data and your metadata than names and numbers. Planning Analytics allows you to store additional information about you members as attributes. Attributes help identify and describe objects, so that you can know that that particular piece part has a size of 12mm and...
Exploration to Reporting Planning Analytics Workspace has always included information rich tables that support exploration and analysis. Green and gray cell fills identify calculations and consolidations that don't support writeback. Indents and +/- indicators help users understand levels of...
Top Filters Available in April 8th 2017 Planning Analytics Update Planning Analytics now includes a handy Top or bottom filter capability to allow you to narrow your focus to those top performers or troublesome underperformers. It's one of a flurry of features that arrived in the April 8th...
With its first October update, Planning Analytics Workspace now allows you to integrate and create navigation between books. Navigation buttons can now take users to other books and to external web pages. When navigating to other books, you can also pass the context from the source book to...