The IBM Could Tape Connector (CTC) APAR PH60250 (UI97067) provides a new enhancement called " Direct-Write-to-Cloud (DWC/D2C)" which allows users to store virtual tape data written by applications directly in cloud storage without using intermediate disk storage. This process is completely...
皆さん、こんにちはタッキーです。 2024年5月に東京 と大阪 で開催するStorage TechXchange イベントについてご案内します。 今回は 『IBM Japan Storage TechXchange 2024~事例から学ぶストレージ技術の最新トレンド~』 と題しましてお客様、パートナー様、RedHat様、NVIDIA様と コンテナ、AI、セキュリティー、サステナビリティー をテーマにお話しします。 お申し込みはこちらからお早めにお願いします。 東京会場 お申し込み: event...
The IBM Could Tape Connector APAR PH58528 (PTF UI94872) enables display of Virtual Tape Emulation (VTE) e-Vault Type5 restore activity of virtual tape server (VTS) datasets in the CTC STC logs and Active Task panel. Virtual Tape Emulation (VTE) e-Vault Type5 restore of VTS datasets occur in...
Multiple innovations and enhancements were released in 2023 for IBM OMEGAMON Storage for z/OS and the OMEGAMON Engineering teams are pleased to announce the next installment of new features requested by Storage Administrators managing large environments. These new features are available via...
You Moved 20 PB of Data in Under 2 Months??? Partners for nearly a decade, Zenfolio and IBM collaborated in 2023 to move 20 petabytes of images between two different IBM Cloud Object Storage buckets. Join Chris Gauthier and Pierre Carlson at IBM TechXchange 2023 Session 3117 as they share...
Hello Everyone, I hope you're enjoying the last weeks of summer. It's been a few weeks since my colleague @Christopher Vollmar posted about all of our great plans for Defender at IBM TechXchange 2023 , coming up in just a couple of weeks. If you missed that, have a quick read here . Needless...