Visualization improvements Adding baselines to your visualizations Report authors can add baselines to 11.1 visualizations to indicate major divisions in the data. We’ve carefully evaluated every visualization type to determine which should be enabled to support baseline. If there is a...
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Introduction : Purpose of this article is to share a technique to provision custom URL for accessing reports/dashboards in Cognos Analytics. The idea for devising this technique is to provide an easy to remember URL for reports/dashboards. Custom URL method enables analytics viewers/end users...
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How do I take the Collision visualization from the documentation and connect it to data inside Cognos Analytics? Well, read on.... Custom Visualization was introduced in Cognos Analytics 11.1.4 in Oct 2019 and that allows everyone to import custom specific visualizations from any JavaScript...
We enjoy hearing about the many ways that you, our customers, are using Cognos Analytics. People from many different types of teams, industries, and skill levels are using Cognos Analytics to bring analytical insight to their work. After hearing from many different customers, however, I will...
With Cognos Analytics 11.1.5 report authors can now visualize data on a variety of custom graphics, such as illustrations, diagrams and maps via a new feature called “schematics”. Popular examples include airplane seating, floor maps, engine maps, stadium seating etc. Our approach is to use...
With the Cognos Analytics (CA) 11.1.5 release came also the option to include "Schematics" with your reports (dashboards will follow soon) - look at it as images with data points... In order to use Schematics / non-geo mapping with CA, it’s necessary to find/create SVG files and tag them with...
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Mobile users of Cognos Analytics can now access more reports than ever before! Starting with Cognos Analytics 11.0.13 FP2 and Cognos Analytics 11.1.3, users of the IBM Cognos Mobile app will now be able to access standard reports (in classic view mode) from the app. You have the ability to run...
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We have created a video on how to create a report that scales appropriately across multiple device resolutions. On a large screen, the report displays 4 objects in a row before it moves to the next row. If I shrink my browser, the report layout adjusts automatically. If I shrink it all the way,...
We are excited to release a new extensible visualization capability with Cognos 11.1.4! Users will now be allowed to expand the current OotB(Out-of-the-box) visualization library with beautiful custom JavaScript-based visualizations. Developers can build, validate and compile custom...
Jupyter Notebook integration with reporting Jupyter Notebook allows data scientists working directly in Cognos Analytics environment, accessing Cognos Analytics data with the Notebook interface they are familiar using Python language. This powerful integration was introduced in 11.1.0...