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  • 1.  wants to keep track of who read which field of which record

    Posted Mon April 22, 2024 10:56 AM

    The customer wants to keep track of who read which field of which record and when, for audit purposes.
    Customers use COBOL on IBM i, and in some cases do not use SQL.

    1. Is it possible to use the audit journal or DB journal to check which records were viewed by which users?
    2. 2. Is it possible to use the audit journal or DB journal to check who viewed which fields of which records?
    3. If the audit journal or DB journal cannot record, is there a way to obtain logs using ISV Solution?

    Thank you.

    Akemi Kamiogi

  • 2.  RE: wants to keep track of who read which field of which record

    Posted Tue April 23, 2024 12:55 PM


    Maybe we can help you with our Powertech DB Monitor product.   We probably would need a little time to discuss your needs.  Here is a URL for reading more about the product.  Feel free to reach out to me.

    Tom Huntington
    EVP of Technical Solutions
    Eden Prairie

  • 3.  RE: wants to keep track of who read which field of which record

    Posted Wed April 24, 2024 09:45 AM


    A recent case study on this... 

    Yes, we had a customer (electric company in a resort type community from the sounds of it) that needed to monitor their files to make sure no one was snooping for addresses in their files.  Other customers are tracking reads but that was the most interesting.

    Just an example of tracking reads.  To others recommendations you will want to pick and choose the tables you monitor as if you do everything it is probably too much data and potential performance issues too.

    Tom Huntington
    EVP of Technical Solutions
    Eden Prairie

  • 4.  RE: wants to keep track of who read which field of which record

    Posted Mon May 06, 2024 10:05 PM


     thank you for your reply.
    As you mentioned, there are performance concerns, so consider conducting audits on specific tables and files.

    Akemi Kamiogi