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  • 1.  Using sftp from vios to Fix Central

    IBM Champion
    Posted 24 days ago

    When I go through the invscout process to find updates for adapters it sends me to fix central to either ftps or sftp the updates down.  The examples given are for ftps.  Since the network guys cannot comprehend ftps I am trying to alter the example to sftp.  I am having issues with some of the subcommands.  Namely, passive and binary.  See below:

    $ oem_setup_env

    # sftp yvVrnIwn@delivery04-bld.dhe.ibm.com
    yvVrnIwn@delivery04-bld.dhe.ibm.com's password:
    Connected to delivery04-bld.dhe.ibm.com.
    sftp> ls
    sftp> passive
    Invalid command.
    sftp> binary
    Invalid command.
    sftp> get df1000e314101506.00014000020062400006.aix.rpm
    Fetching /df1000e314101506.00014000020062400006.aix.rpm to df1000e314101506.00014000020062400006.aix.rpm
    /df1000e314101506.00014000020062400006.aix.rp 100% 1071KB   2.7MB/s   00:00

    If I can get this working I'd like to submit it as an example so Fix Central stops showing ftp -s and uses sftp instead.

    Robert Berendt IBMChampion

  • 2.  RE: Using sftp from vios to Fix Central

    Posted 23 days ago

    Hi Robert,

    Passive keyword is not used/relevant with sftp and the binary method should be default.

    I suggest just removing the references to binary and passive in the sftp use case and test it out.


  • 3.  RE: Using sftp from vios to Fix Central
    Best Answer

    Posted 23 days ago

    Hi Robert,

    sftp is part of the ssh protocol not an encrypted update to ftp like ftps is making it somewhat different.  It doesn't have passive & binary modes (all transfers are in binary regardless), all you need is put/get to transfer files.


    Phill Rowbottom

  • 4.  RE: Using sftp from vios to Fix Central

    IBM Champion
    Posted 23 days ago

    I have submitted feedback to the Fix Central site.  They have been in contact with me and are interested in that example.

    Robert Berendt IBMChampion