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  • 1.  Unable to delete user ID from system

    Posted Sun September 24, 2023 12:31 AM

    Hello Team,


    We are trying to remove one ID from system and it is giving error as " Distributions pending for User ID 'userID' PRODSYS. (C G) ".

    can you please let us know how to check the pending distributions and how to fix it if we find distribution . 

    I appreciate your response. Thank you!

    Ujwala Kavathekar

  • 2.  RE: Unable to delete user ID from system

    Posted Sun September 24, 2023 09:15 PM
    Edited by Satid Singkorapoom Sun September 24, 2023 09:23 PM

    Dear Ujwala

    Whenever you want to provide IBM i message information, it would be better to give us the message ID.  Luckily, a Google search gives me the information that this is most likely message CPA9001.    When you encounter any IBM i error message, you should run DSPJOBLOG + enter + F10 and move the screen cursor to the message line of your interest and press F1 to see the full details of the message and I post it in the image below.

    If you read the Recovery section of the message, you will see the solution to your situation there which is to respond to the message with "G".    If you respond with G and still encounter any further error message. do what I described earlier again.

    If you want to investigate SNADS before deleting the profile, I found the following commands suggested in another community :

    Distributions can be queried using  QRYDST --> OUTFILE

    you can then receive the distributions using...  RCVDST ... you could then idendify the sender...

    DSPDSTLOG will show the (recent) history... 

    Chance favors only the prepared mind.
    -- Louis Pasteur
    Satid S.

  • 3.  RE: Unable to delete user ID from system

    Posted Mon September 25, 2023 03:01 AM

    Dear Ujwala,

    Have a look in the distribution queues. Use the command WRKDSTQ, and you get an overview of the defined distribution queues. And perhaps some queues are not empty, and contain still some distribution entries, issues by this specific user.

    Any entry (sent by this user) needs to be removed from any queue before the profile can be removed from the server.

    Kind regards,


    Jos (Jozef) Thijs
    Kyndryl Belgium

  • 4.  RE: Unable to delete user ID from system

    Posted Tue September 26, 2023 08:49 AM

    another option, if you do not care about the distributions, is to just answer with a "G".

    if the program that deletes profiles is a batch job one method:

    CHGJOB INQMSGRPY(*SYSRPYL)                  
    DLTUSRPRF (profile_in_question)                         

    Bryan Dietz