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  • 1.  Survey on AIX update and patching practices

    Posted 27 days ago
    Edited by Carl Burnett 27 days ago

    The IBM Power design and development teams have created a short survey to learn more about how organizations perform AIX updates and patching. We would very much appreciate your participation.

    Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management

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    Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management
    The most powerful, simple and trusted way to gather experience data. Start your journey to experience management and try a free account today.

    Carl Burnett
    DE, IBM Infrastructure, IBM Power

  • 2.  RE: Survey on AIX update and patching practices

    IBM Champion
    Posted 27 days ago
    Edited by Christian Sonnemans 27 days ago

    Hello Carl,

    This survey is only about Linux on Power?

    Greetings Christian Sonnemans.

    Christian Sonnemans
    Tactical Unix system engineer
    De Volksbank

  • 3.  RE: Survey on AIX update and patching practices

    Posted 27 days ago

    Thank you very much Christian for catching that mistake. I have corrected the link in the original post.

    Carl Burnett
    DE, IBM Infrastructure, IBM Power

  • 4.  RE: Survey on AIX update and patching practices

    Posted 27 days ago

    Done! Thanks for your attention to improving our experience.

    Russell Adams