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  • 1.  RDi 9.6 vs 9.8

    Posted 8 days ago

    I see some of the newer features do not appear correctly in RDi  For example dcl-enum does not appear the same as dcl-ds though the program still compiles.  I remember some confusion over 9.8 when it came out.  Does it still fall under the same license as 9.6? Will we need to pay again if we switch now? Is 9.8 stable and robust? 

    David Taylor
    Sr Application Developer
    Range Resources
    Fort Worth

  • 2.  RE: RDi 9.6 vs 9.8

    Posted 7 days ago

    Part of the package with RDi is that is always "out of sync" in syntax if you use it with more recent machines with latest language support.

    Yes, in an ideal world the tooling supporting new syntax should be released and available before issuing the tech refreshes on the field on the machine, but, well...

    Yes, plenty of times gives also some weird syntax error event in normal syntax, it trips sometimes in complex source, despite compiling correctly. But well, it's RDi.

    First 9.8 release was technically unusable for me, no support for source in iASP (!!!), after half an year (!) they now have released the update fixing this major problem.

    So to your question, 9.8 is "better" (in a pure comparative way) to 9.6? yes , at least support more syntax and seems a little snappier (I don't exclude being delusional on this ;) ).

    Regarding license, I don't know, I have active maintenance on the product so I just downloaded the new one with the new license.


  • 3.  RE: RDi 9.6 vs 9.8

    Posted 7 days ago
    Edited by Rohit Chauhan 7 days ago

    Hello David,

    As i know Floating licenses are associated with the host name of the Rational License Key Server (also know as a floating license server). The floating licenses are not version specific. For example ,a floating license that works with RDi 9.6 should continue to work with RDi 9.8 if used on the same Rational License Key Server. A new RDi 9.8 license is not required. You can read more about licensing here.

    What type of licenses are available for RDi? (

    Rohit Chauhan

  • 4.  RE: RDi 9.6 vs 9.8

    Posted 7 days ago

    Hi David,

    You are correct that would not contain any of the newer RPG content. We align our updates with the Spring and Fall TR from IBM, so the latest version of RDi would contain the RPG changes for the Spring of 2024.

    You will need a new License for 9.8. Please check your entitlements through IBM to see if you qualify for a free upgrade. The installation and licensing of 9.8 is very different from 9.6. You no longer will use IBM Installation Manager. You will unzip, and install the license using the Eclipse p2 mechanism.

    Here is the fix list for the most current release,

    Here is a quick video showing how to install 9.8 from my RDi videos in 90 seconds or less:

    Here is a quick video showing how to install the license for 9.8:

    Here is the playlist (I'll continue to add videos here for the remaining enhancements):

    Hope this helps!

    Steve Ferrell
    Principal Software Engineer Lead RDi

  • 5.  RE: RDi 9.6 vs 9.8

    Posted 7 days ago

    Yes DCL-Enum and the latest RPG enhancements are supported in RDi 9.8
    Yes the license jar (if perpetual license) will have to be applied as per How To Install P2 Authorized User Activation Kit for IBM Rational Developer for i version 9.8

    YouTube remove preview
    How To Install P2 Authorized User Activation Kit for IBM Rational Developer for i version 9.8
    In this short video, I will show you how to look at your current license, add a P2 Update site so you can add a Permanent Authorized User Activation Kit so you no longer see the Trial license popup! This video is recorded in Windows, but the process is the same in macOS.
    View this on YouTube >

    If you are up to date with SWMA then this license will not need to be paid for.  That is always your least expensive way of staying current.


    Edmund Reinhardt
    Advisory Dev Analyst

  • 6.  RE: RDi 9.6 vs 9.8

    IBM Champion
    Posted 7 days ago

    As long as the RDi license you are using is current then the upgrade from 9.6 to 9.8 is covered too.  Just install the new version.

    Jon Paris

  • 7.  RE: RDi 9.6 vs 9.8

    Posted 5 days ago
    Edited by David Taylor 5 days ago

    Thank you all for all the input.  If I said "thanks for all y'alls help!", you would know I live in Texas. :) 

    When I first tried to use the check for updates, I had time out errors.  When I used the link @Steve Ferrell posted, that got me to Version (20240514_1451). I did run the check for updates after and it seemed to load various items. It still shows Version (20240514_1451), so I will not worry at this point. 

    I am able to use the same workspace for both, though 9.6 will drop off once staff returns to help me getting the license. They proved the activation kit last time.

    I loaded the Rocket DevOps plug-in without error.  All my filters work fine from the 9.6 workspace.  

    I found the RDI.EXE file and added a shortcut to my desktop.  9.6 allowed me to pin the program to my task bar.  When I right click 9.8 when it is running, the only option is to close the windows.  

    Encore, merci mille fois. 

    Edit: I guess I should have restarted and tried a few things first. Once I updated, I ran into license errors.  I would have thought the 120-day trial license counted.  Maybe that is only for the base product.  I will let you know if this goes away once I have the actual license.  

    There is no installation package available which enables this plugin: IBM i ConnectorService Plug-in (
    License key check failed for plugin

    David Taylor
    Sr Application Developer
    Range Resources
    Fort Worth