Hi, you should find nslookup in the bind.rte fileset.
# oslevel -s
# lslpp -w /usr/bin/nslookup
File Fileset Type
/usr/bin/nslookup bind.rte Symlink
# ls -l /usr/bin/nslookup
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 27 Dec 19 00:44 /usr/bin/nslookup -> /usr/bin/bind_9_16/nslookup
# lslpp -w /usr/bin/bind_9_16/nslookup
File Fileset Type
/usr/bin/bind_9_16/nslookup bind.rte File
# lslpp -l bind.rte
Fileset Level State Description
Path: /usr/lib/objrepos
bind.rte 7.3.916.2600 COMMITTED BIND Domain Name System
Path: /etc/objrepos
bind.rte 7.3.916.2600 COMMITTED BIND Domain Name System
Please note the following points:
"The bos.net.tcp.bind and bos.net.tcp.bind_utils filesets of AIX 7.3.0 are replaced by the bind.rte fileset. The bind.rte fileset is not installed by default."
"Starting with AIX version 7.3, Technology Level 1, the bos.net.tcp.bind and bos.net.tcp.bind_utils filesets are replaced by the bind.rte fileset. The bind.rte fileset is not installed by default."
"BIND version 9.16 is included in the bind.rte fileset in AIX 7.3, Technology Level 1, base media package. The bind.rte fileset is not installed by default. During migration from the previous AIX version to AIX 7.3, Technology Level 1, the bos.net.tcp.bind and bos.net.tcp.bind_utils filesets that are installed on the previous AIX versions are removed, and the bind.rte BIND fileset is installed. During the update operation, the bind.rte fileset must be explicitly selected for installation. Otherwise, the bos.net.tcp.bind and bos.net.tcp.bind_utils BIND filesets remain in the updated system."
I hope this helps.
Chris Gibson
Original Message:
Sent: Mon December 18, 2023 01:26 PM
From: Ron Arms
Subject: nslookup command missing from base AIX 7.3 installation
I know insecure protocols; (telnet, ftp, rcp) have been removed from base AIX 7.3 installations. Is there an AIX fileset that would provide "nslookup"? I've found the filesets for telnet; (bos.net.tcp.telnet, bos.net.tcp.telnetd) and FTP; (bos.net.tcp.ftp, bos.net.tcp.ftpd) and that seems to be well documented but not finding any information about AIX 7.3 and nslookup.
The version we're currently working with is AIX 7.3 TL1 SP2 (7300-01-02-2320)
Ron Arms
Ron Arms