The format for search query value is as follows (for example: PartitionName==ABC)
and it is always better to pass value with single quote in some of the cases value can have space as below
/rest/api/uom/{R}/search/(PartitionState=='not activated')
and instead of search API you can use quick API because quick API's are much faster.
Original Message:
Sent: Mon June 17, 2024 12:54 PM
From: Warren Goldman
Subject: Need help with rest endpoint doing search (what format is the query value supposed to be)
- /rest/api/uom/{R}/search/{QUERY} ----> get the feed of instances of {R} matching the query
for the QUERY value I have tried
- (PartitionName=abc) and various other versions of this including double and single quotes, but get
- 500 Internal Server Error : <ReasonCode kb="ROR" kxe="false">Unknown internal error.</ReasonCode>
<Message kxe="false" kb="ROO">Unable to parse the remainder of the following expression: =abc</Message>
Warren Goldman