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Mirroring of Job Schedule entries

  • 1.  Mirroring of Job Schedule entries

    Posted Tue January 17, 2023 07:09 AM

    In a Geomirror environment, how do you keep the job schedule entries in sync on all the nodes? Is there an automatic way besides manually?

    I could not find any entry in the administrative domain for job schedule entries.

    We have an IBM i v7r4 cluster with 2 nodes. 



    Edward Camilleri

  • 2.  RE: Mirroring of Job Schedule entries

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue January 17, 2023 08:14 AM
    Hopefully you get a better answer.  In software replication a few techniques are employed.
    1. Saving *JOBSCD objects to a save file and replicating that
    2. Vendor provided techniques
    3. Custom stuff using job schedule list APIs

    Robert Berendt

  • 3.  RE: Mirroring of Job Schedule entries

    Posted Tue January 17, 2023 08:56 AM
    Thanks Robert

    I will check the options provided

    Edward Camilleri

  • 4.  RE: Mirroring of Job Schedule entries

    Posted Wed January 18, 2023 09:26 AM
    I agree with Robert -- we have similar methods using software replication.  Basically we have a library in *SYSBAS that we have setup to replicate at the object level.   We have a small number of different needs to replicate where we have scheduled jobs creating save files and putting them into this library.  Ours are primarily needed for disaster recovery, so we have scripts ready on the target side to put the required information "in place" when the need arises.
    I believe we also use this general process for netserver information, remote database entries and secdata for private authorities.

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  • 5.  RE: Mirroring of Job Schedule entries

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed January 18, 2023 03:14 AM

    Hello Edward,

    When talking about "the job schedule entries" I assume you refer to the WRKJOBSCDE command. Since the Advanced Job Scheduler (AJS) 5770JS1, now comes with your IBM I entitlement, The answer for your problem is there.

    What we do in such environments is separate the system scheduled jobs from the application scheduled jobs. This can be done with AJS by creating an AJS environment on the *iASP. When switching you do no longer have to worry about the WRKJOBSCDE entries. The AJS *iASP environment only needs the monitor to get started.

    In the end you have on every node in the cluster an AJS data library as they call it in the product in *SYSBAS, and only one AJS data library in the *iASP. 
    Creating an AJS data library can be done in the Heritage Navigator for i. 
    IBM is working on getting AJS in the New Navigator for i. 

    We use AJS in QSTRUP when powering down and even for switching in the cluster. Yes I am a big fan of AJS and I see moving away from the WRKJOBSCDE entries to AJS as a modernization step in the System Management area. 

    I hope this helps.

    Rudi Van Helvoirt

  • 6.  RE: Mirroring of Job Schedule entries

    Posted Wed January 18, 2023 05:03 AM
    Hi Rudy

    yes correct we use the traditional - WRKJOBSCDE 

    Will move to AJS -  I discovered its free on v7r5.  Currently we are still on v7r4, so we will move first to v7r5 later this year and then we can implement AJS.

    thanks for your help



    Edward Camilleri

  • 7.  RE: Mirroring of Job Schedule entries

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed January 18, 2023 05:59 AM

    Hello Edward,

    That is no need to upgrade to IBM i 7.5 first. AJS is free of charge for any version from 7.1 up.

    There are two ways to get the AJS key:

    1. Order all the free of extra charge product through your BP:

      Price Decrease on Select IBM i SW Products
    2. Order the upgrade for 7.5 yourself, most likely those keys will be generated for all version automatically.

    Good luck with implementing AJS.

    Rudi Van Helvoirt

  • 8.  RE: Mirroring of Job Schedule entries

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed January 18, 2023 06:53 AM
    Edited by Satid Singkorapoom Wed January 18, 2023 07:15 AM
    Dear Rudi

    >>>> That is no need to upgrade to IBM i 7.5 first. AJS is free of charge for any version from 7.1 up. <<<<

    I would like to add that their is also a requirement that IBM i customers at V7.x must also have an active IBM i SWMA to be able to order these additional free SW products in case they do not go for SW release upgrade order (which also requires an active SWMA).

    >>>> 2. Order the upgrade for 7.5 yourself, most likely those keys will be generated for all version automatically. <<<<

    May I ask if you have a first-hand experience in the "automatic generation" part or not?  I ask this because the last time I ran IBM e-Config tool about 2 years ago (too long, I know), when a SW release upgrade order for the customer was run and the SW part of the BASE config did NOT contain the newly requested free SW products, by default e-Config would do the upgrade order only for the SW that existed in the base config and no more.  So, if the customer wants additional free SW products they never had before, these new free SW must be selected manually from e-Config tool for the target config so that these new SW are included for the target config in the order for loading which leads to the generation of their corresponding licensed keys. This manual selection of all the free SW products applied to a new system order as well.  There were only a few free SW products at that time - QU1 was an example, but now there are plenty more.

    So, my past experience with e-Config tool was that the fact that an IBM i SW was free of charge did not mean that e-Config would order them automatically for us - UNLESS e-Config tool changed its behavior in the recent past and this is why I ask you my question above.    

    I would be obliged if you would help update me on the current behavior of e-Config tool on whether the tool now orders these new free SW products for us automatically? 

    Right action is better than knowledge; but in order to do what is right, we must know what is right.
    -- Charlemagne

    Satid Singkorapoom

  • 9.  RE: Mirroring of Job Schedule entries

    Posted Thu January 19, 2023 09:24 AM
    Nothing has change in e-config on that front. So you are correct, if you want to add any of the now no charge LPP's or IBMi extra options, then the profile on ESS will need to be updated. So yes, e-config and the extra options 'ticked' to add them as a software order.

    Jerry Watson

  • 10.  RE: Mirroring of Job Schedule entries

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu January 19, 2023 06:58 PM
    Dear Jerry

    Thanks for your informative response.

    Right action is better than knowledge; but in order to do what is right, we must know what is right.
    -- Charlemagne

    Satid Singkorapoom

  • 11.  RE: Mirroring of Job Schedule entries

    Posted Fri January 20, 2023 01:26 AM
    Dear all

    Thank you for your response. Yes we have SWMA, I have requested our IBM reseller for the product.



    Edward Camilleri

  • 12.  RE: Mirroring of Job Schedule entries

    Posted Fri January 20, 2023 09:42 AM
    Edward, the best option would be to use a job scheduler that will go into the IASP

    Steven Finnes