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Logrotate- files not rotating as per mentioned size.

  • 1.  Logrotate- files not rotating as per mentioned size.

    Posted Fri April 19, 2024 09:10 AM

    I have created below custom logrotate file-

    #-> cat /opt/freeware/etc/logrotate.d/mblogs.conf
    /var/mqsi/logs/MBLogs.out {
      maxsize 1000K
      rotate 20
      create 644 mqbrkrs mqbrkrs

    still getting huge files, logs are not rotated once file reached to 1000K-

    du -sk /var/mqsi/logs/MBLogs.out.0

    5156    /var/mqsi/logs/MBLogs.out.0

    I have added below cron entry -

    0 * * * * /usr/sbin/logrotate -vf /opt/freeware/etc/logrotate.conf

    Please suggest.

    Shaurya Singh