During a recent VIOS build on a pair of E1080 servers with 7063-CR2 HMCs (V10R1M1011) I had an issue importing a VIO server image ( to the HMC.
I used HMC "Management > Template and OS iImages > VIOS Images > Manage Virtual I/O Server Image > Import New Virtual I/O Server Image > Management Console USB". The image either did not get imported or when it did, it was later rejected by NIMOL with a mount error, obviously due to a format error.
The ISO image was "burned" (dd) to the key using Rufus. (The same USB key works fine when directly mounted via a Power9 server's front USB port.)
Interestingly enough, the most recent documentation
(Manage Virtual I/O Server Image Repository) does not even mention USB. So I'm wondering if this is even possible, and if so, how exactly?
Zoltan Soos
Senior Consultant