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  • 1.  how to verify PHP and XAMPP installed or not in AIX

    Posted 14 days ago

    We have AIX 7.1 servers
    How to verify PHP and XAMPP are installed in those servers or not ?
    How to verify using commands ?
    In which default path it will get installed in AIX server ?

    Arun kumar Rajendran

  • 2.  RE: how to verify PHP and XAMPP installed or not in AIX

    Posted 11 days ago


    You can verify if php is installed using the rpm command.

    rpm -qa | grep php

    The default installation path for RPMs or toolbox packages on AIX is /opt/freeware.

    Saikrishna Akkela

  • 3.  RE: how to verify PHP and XAMPP installed or not in AIX

    Posted 11 days ago

    Hello.....Im agree with Saikrishna Akkela.
    You should see the followed link
    and try to find with rpm -qa all the dev tools you mention on XAMPP (mariadb, mysql, php or perl....)


    Juanjo MO

    Juan Jose Morales Ortiz

  • 4.  RE: how to verify PHP and XAMPP installed or not in AIX

    Posted 11 days ago
    Edited by Alexander Pettitt 11 days ago

    I don't see a XAMPP installer for AIX. There is one for Linux.

    XAMPP's basic idea was an installer that would just install everything. It doesn't require packages. 
    The Linux version installs in /opt/lampp.

    Alexander Pettitt