Have you considered something like this: Create a duplicate object of the command (for example your command is named CMDA) like CMDADUP. Then create a program that accepts the same parameters as the program specified on CMDA. This program can then fetch the call stack, output some log file, print the joblog, whatever you need. Then lastly just execute CMDADUP with the received parameters. Then just change the program executed by CMDA to your version, and you should be able to find out the information your program can determine. Of course you need the authority to these objects.
Mike Overlander
Original Message:
Sent: Thu December 26, 2024 02:31 PM
From: Ujwala Kavathekar
Subject: How to find which program is using specific command
Hi ,
Apart from find string, we wanted to check how to find programs/jobs using one specific command. There is one third party vendor command our processes uses and we are not going to use that henceforth. We have changed our programs to not to use that command however still it's use date is changing monthly. So not sure how to check it. Could you please help. Thank you!
Ujwala Kavathekar