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  • 1.  How to connect HMC to ldap served by Windows AD?

    Posted Mon October 30, 2023 02:48 PM

    I was reading the blog at

    Before configuring our HMC I thought I'd try some ldapsearch against the Windows AD to see if I had it right.  Being an IBM i guy I know that I can fire up STRQSH and enter ldapsearch there.  So I thought I'd try it from there.  I have used this to search ldap served by Domino.  I don't know if our domain setup is a complicating factor.  Instead of we use dekko-1 as our domain in AD.  We have plans to change this but this plan has been on the schedule for quite some time now so I want to go with this for now if I can.

    So let's say one of our domain controllers is ussgnt.dekko-1

    And one of the users is me

    Before I enter STRQSH I get resolution and connection with PING RMTSYS('ussgnt.dekko-1')

    So how do I get this to stop listing all the parameters and do it's job?

    ldapsearch -x -H 'ussgnt.dekko-1' -D "" -W mypassword -b "cn=Users,dc=dekko-1" -s sub "(cn=*)" cn mail sn

    Robert Berendt IBMChampion

  • 2.  RE: How to connect HMC to ldap served by Windows AD?

    Posted Fri February 09, 2024 02:33 AM

    Hi Robert

    We just published blog and it will be helpful for you.

