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how to boot to SMS and OpenFirmware on i5/9406-520 ?

  • 1.  how to boot to SMS and OpenFirmware on i5/9406-520 ?

    Posted Wed March 15, 2023 10:37 AM

    hello i was wondering how to get to the SMS and Open Firmware menus on the i5/9406-520? (to install Linux)

    The BMC menu i think it's called works via RS232 port A at 19200 8,N,1 without problem, but when I select to boot SMS or OpenFirmware then power on it gets stuck and goes no further. B7005122 is the last shown IPL message.

    Stuart MacIntosh

  • 2.  RE: how to boot to SMS and OpenFirmware on i5/9406-520 ?

    Posted Thu March 16, 2023 02:48 AM
    Edited by Satid Singkorapoom Thu March 16, 2023 03:33 AM

    Dear Stuart

    If you do a Google search with "ibm src b7005122", you will find an entry explaining that one possible cause of SRCB7005122 is that the load source disk unit cannot be found. 

    If you boot Linux from an optical drive, you need to set the IPL mode of the machine to "D", not A or B. 

    May I ask if you have all HW parts that support Linux in i520 machine?  For an i5 machine, there are separate orderable HW parts (adapter cards. disk controller, disk drives, etc.) for IBM i as opposed to Linux for Power. If you have all HW for IBM i in the machine, Linux would not find a vlid disk unit to install. 

    Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think. -- Albert Einstein.
    Satid S.

  • 3.  RE: how to boot to SMS and OpenFirmware on i5/9406-520 ?

    Posted Sun March 19, 2023 04:45 AM

    Thank you, Satid!

    That explains a lot, this machine ran AIX using the integrated RAID controller if I'm not mistaken. However I am still unable to access the SMS from this serial console (assuming I would install AIX instead) when selecting them from the power-on menu. Should I not be able to reach the SMS menu to configure disks and LPARs from here? 

    I had hoped to simply boot a Debian or CentOS DVD from OpenFirmware. When I set the IPL partition to D the same B7005122 error is logged as when trying to boot to SMS or OpenFirmware. In addition B2003110 and B200F00D logged but seem related to the former issue.

    Power On/Off System                                                             
    Current system power state: Off                                                 
    Current firmware boot side: Temporary                                           
    Current system server firmware state: Not running                               
     1. System boot speed                                                           
            Currently: Fast                                                         
     2. Firmware boot side for the next boot                                        
            Currently: Permanent                                                    
     3. System operating mode                                                       
            Currently: Normal                                                       
     4. AIX/Linux partition mode boot                                               
            Currently: Continue to operating system                                 
     5. Boot to system server firmware                                              
            Currently: Running                                                      
     6. System power off policy                                                     
            Currently: Automatic                                                    
     7. i5/OS partition mode boot                                                   
            Currently: D                                                            
     8. Power on                                                                    
    98. Return to previous menu                                                     
    99. Log out                                                                     
    B2003110 LP=001                                                                 

    Thank you again for the help, the IBM Power platform is new to me!

    Stuart MacIntosh

  • 4.  RE: how to boot to SMS and OpenFirmware on i5/9406-520 ?

    Posted Mon March 20, 2023 04:59 AM

    Dear Stuart

    I believe the key point is that you really need to check with Debian or CentOS or OpenFirmware if it really supports POWER5 CPU or not. I suspect not (You can see that Nigel also suspected so.) because from IBM material that I have for i5 machine, it supports only Linux from Red Hat and SuSE which no longer exists.

    Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think. -- Albert Einstein.
    Satid S.

  • 5.  RE: how to boot to SMS and OpenFirmware on i5/9406-520 ?

    Posted Thu March 16, 2023 03:26 AM
    Edited by Satid Singkorapoom Thu March 16, 2023 03:31 AM
      |   view attached

    In order to check if you have all HW parts in i5 mahince that support Linux for Power, you need to check their CCIN number on each part. The attached presentation to this post will help you with this effort. 

    One last thing is the disk unit. It must be formatted with 512-byte sector as opposed to 520-byte used by IBM i. I used to have instruction on how to format 520-bytes disk units to 512-byte but am not sure I can find it.  Will post here if I do find it.

    Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think. -- Albert Einstein.
    Satid S.


  • 6.  RE: how to boot to SMS and OpenFirmware on i5/9406-520 ?

    Posted Thu March 16, 2023 05:31 AM

    Wow! POWER5 from 2004.

    You may have problems finding a Linux that will run on POWER5.

    I do not know the answer to you problem but the documentation it here:


    Google: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/search/B7005122%20?scope=POWER5

    If a B2xx3110 error is logged, a B2xx3200 or B7005122 may be posted to the control panel. Work the B2xx3110 error in the Serviceable Event View. If the system IPL hangs at B2xx3200 or B7005122 and you cannot check the SRC history, perform the actions indicated for the B2xx3110 SRC.

    With a reference to: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/power5?topic=POWER5/ipha6_p5/b7xx.html

    Nigel Griffiths

  • 7.  RE: how to boot to SMS and OpenFirmware on i5/9406-520 ?

    Posted Sun March 19, 2023 04:48 AM

    Thank you, Nigel! Yes it belongs in a museum almost, but if I can run Linux it will be recycled into a PostgreSQL server or something!

    Stuart MacIntosh

  • 8.  RE: how to boot to SMS and OpenFirmware on i5/9406-520 ?

    Posted Fri March 17, 2023 08:12 AM
    Edited by Patrick Hügli Fri March 17, 2023 08:22 AM

    Maybe this could be still true:

    "The IBM iSeries server provides the ability to run Linux on the iSeries server in a 
    secondary partition. The primary partition must be running OS/400 V5R1 or later, which 
    provides the support required to boot the kernel in a secondary partition. The Linux operating 
    system needs to be installed and executed in a secondary iSeries partition."

    Source: https://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redbooks/pdfs/sg246232.pdf

    Or if you have a serial attached HMC on your side you could try:

    Partitioning a new or nonpartitioned IBM System i5 or eServer i5 managed system using version 7 or later of the HMC

    Patrick Hügli

  • 9.  RE: how to boot to SMS and OpenFirmware on i5/9406-520 ?

    Posted Sun March 19, 2023 04:55 AM

    Thank you Patrick. Unfortunately I only have an RS232 serial console (null modem) and no HMC here. Trying to run Linux on the metal if possible, I read it is supported via OpenFirmware but unable to reach the SMS to partition the disks in any case.

    Stuart MacIntosh

  • 10.  RE: how to boot to SMS and OpenFirmware on i5/9406-520 ?

    Posted Sun March 19, 2023 08:54 AM
    Edited by Patrick Hügli Sun March 19, 2023 08:55 AM