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  • 1.  HMC API to shutdown

    Posted Mon February 12, 2024 10:55 AM


       Can someone or is there some sort of example to use this API call to reboot a HMC?

    python, Go  or any language will work

    ShutdownHMC_ManagementConsole Job

    Ibm remove preview
    ShutdownHMC_ManagementConsole Job
    The ShutdownHMC job performs shutdown and reboot operations on the HMC.
    View this on Ibm >


    Marvin Jones

  • 2.  RE: HMC API to shutdown

    Posted Tue February 13, 2024 07:37 AM

    Hello Marvin,

    I think I have a solution for you. 

    But is in with Curl. 

    Shouldn't be a problem with Go or Python either. watsonx can do the job =) #advertising

    # create login file

    # Example
    #>cat login.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <LogonRequest xmlns="" schemaVersion="V1_0">

    # login with login.xml -> token(cookies.txt)

    curl -k -c cookies.txt -i -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/; type=LogonRequest" -H "Accept: application/; type=LogonResponse" -H "X-Audit-Memento: hmc_test" -d @login.xml https://${HMC}:12443/rest/api/web/Logon

    # $ cat cookies.txt
    # Netscape HTTP Cookie File
    # This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk. FALSE / TRUE 0 CCFWSESSION 546BB7ACDD2A64817D86A718A403E48E FALSE /rest TRUE 0 JSESSIONID 57FA02F0C10FBB552EB353EB1CB367D7

    # curl to HMC to get HMC-UUID
    HMC-UUID=$(curl -s -k -c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt -H "Accept: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8" https://${HMC}:12443/rest/api/uom/ManagementConsole | grep "<id>" | tail -1 | tr -d '</id>' | tr '<id>' ' ' | cut -f 1)

    #Not tested but must do.
    #!!!!!HMC Reboot !!!!!
    curl -k -c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt -H "Accept: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8" https://${HMC}:12443/rest/api/uom/ManagementConsole/${HMC-UUID}/do/ShutdownHMC

    Andre Lutz

  • 3.  RE: HMC API to shutdown

    Posted Tue February 13, 2024 11:10 AM

    @Andre... oh man thank you!!!!! i will try and convert this into go .. will let you know what i find. 

    Marvin Jones

  • 4.  RE: HMC API to shutdown

    Posted Wed February 14, 2024 01:47 AM

    We need to provide the input parameter "Operation" with value "Restart" for reboot.  Without this HMC will go for shutdown.

    Vijay Kumar Bana

  • 5.  RE: HMC API to shutdown

    Posted Wed February 14, 2024 03:12 AM

    Must work like this. But unfortunately I can't test it. 

    curl -d "Operation=Restart" -k -c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt \
    -H "Accept: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8" -X POST \

    Andre Lutz

  • 6.  RE: HMC API to shutdown

    Posted Wed February 14, 2024 09:18 AM

    I will test this on my machine in lab. My goal is to use this hmc api to upgrade and update the hmcs and managed system. But first working on hmcs. 

    Marvin Jones