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  • 1.  Excel Query is disabling users on AS/400 ODBC connections

    Posted Fri May 03, 2024 02:42 PM

    Users trying to retrieve the data from ibm i system using Excel data connection over ODBC (System DSN configuration). 

    When he is refreshing data in excel it's keep on disabling profile. What could be the issue with this ? is that connection is getting lost in the middle and when trying establish new connection it's failed. 

    Please provide some suggestions to overcome this problem. Thank you! 

    Ujwala Kavathekar

  • 2.  RE: Excel Query is disabling users on AS/400 ODBC connections

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri May 03, 2024 03:30 PM

    Can they sign on to 5250?

    Is the odbc connection using their Windows credentials or a separate userid/password?  If using their Windows credentials are the passwords the same (including case)?

    Robert Berendt IBMChampion

  • 3.  RE: Excel Query is disabling users on AS/400 ODBC connections

    Posted Fri May 03, 2024 03:38 PM

    Hello Robert , They can't sign on to 5250. 

    Using Windows credentials they are trying to connect, however while first time connection excel ask for password and they are able to get the data. Once they refresh the data, it's causing issue. 
    Their windows and IBM i system password is same however not sure why it's getting disabled 

    Ujwala Kavathekar

  • 4.  RE: Excel Query is disabling users on AS/400 ODBC connections

    Posted Sat May 04, 2024 02:24 AM
    Edited by Satid S Sat May 04, 2024 03:05 AM

    Dear Ujwala

    >>>> Their windows and IBM i system password is same however not sure why it's getting disabled  <<<<

    My guess is that Excel unnecessarily keeps issuing repetitive connections to IBM i ODBC data source while providing a blank password.  Why?  You may need to look at the script of that Excel query.

    Whenever an IBM i user profile is disabled, there is an error message put into QSYSOPR message queue.  Look for the error there and move the screen cursor to that message and press F1 to see its detail on what happens that causes the profile to be disabled. 

    If there are an overwhelming amount of messages in QSYSOPR making it hard for you to identify this message, you can create a new message queue named QSYSMSG in QSYS library and the subsequent user profile disable message will appears in QSYSMSG instead (along with many other high severity messages).     

    In the mean time, you should check how you set up the IBM i ODBC connection in that user's PC (using Windows ODBC Data Source Admin tool). Generally, its connection should be set to a Default Profile you assign to that user's PC.

    Is there a script controlling the excel query against IBM i ODBC data source?  If so, you can turn on IBM i ODBC tracing (from ODBC data source admin tool) to look at the connection behavior of the Exel query.  I suspect it may make repetitive connection requests in a strange way that causes the issue.

    Satid S

  • 5.  RE: Excel Query is disabling users on AS/400 ODBC connections

    Posted Sun May 05, 2024 08:13 AM

    I find another person having the same problem in November 2020 and he briefly described how he solved it in Excel: Excel Power Query is disabling my user on AS/400 ODBC connections at       

    Satid S

  • 6.  RE: Excel Query is disabling users on AS/400 ODBC connections

    Posted Thu May 09, 2024 11:27 AM

    Thank you so much for the details @Satid S

    Ujwala Kavathekar