IBM i Access Client Solutions

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  • 1.  Data transfer problems

    Posted Fri July 14, 2023 07:12 AM

    I am trying to upload data from an excel file previously downloaded from the system, with the fdfx specifications generated in the download process and when I try to upload the same data creating a new file, with the same fdfx specifications generated, in another library, it gives me an error in the first numeric field that it finds, indicating that it does not have the same format.

    Error message is as follows: "Cannot send data to host. Host field type: DECIMAL, client field type: character, fdfx field name: XXXXXX"

    Any idea what it could be?, With the old an obsolete Client Access it works perfectly

    Carlos Herranz Rodriguez

  • 2.  RE: Data transfer problems

    IBM Champion
    Posted Sat July 15, 2023 08:30 AM
    Edited by Satid Singkorapoom Sat July 15, 2023 08:31 AM

    Dear Carlos

    >>>> I try to upload the same data creating a new file, with the same fdfx specifications generated, in another library, it gives me an error in the first numeric field that it finds, indicating that it does not have the same format. <<<<

    When you did the upload, I assume you specified "Yes, create file and member" for the parameter "Create IBM i object:" in the File Details dialog box below. 

    If you press the blue question mark at the low right corner of the dialog box, you will get the help information. When you read it, you will find the following : Field reference file name is the name of a file on your IBM i that contains the field information for the file you are creating. A field reference file must be specified when you create a new file with a client file description file. 

    Did you specify the Field Reference File Name?  I guess not as you did not mention this.  

    I think you can avoid the use of FRF and the error by creating an "empty" new file in your target library before the upload by using the command CRTDUPOBJ with DATA(*NO) against the original physical file and then do the upload with the parameter Create IBM i object specified as "No, append to existing member" or "Yes, create member. 

    Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think. -- Albert Einstein.
    Satid S.

  • 3.  RE: Data transfer problems

    Posted Tue July 18, 2023 03:16 AM

    Dear Satid

    >>>>Did you specify the Field Reference File Name? <<<<  Yes I did.

    I have omitted to commet that, because field reference file name is mandatory when uploading data, just like the fdfx file. 

    I've tried also to create the file previously with CRTDUPOBJ and it doesn't work either 

    Carlos Herranz Rodriguez

  • 4.  RE: Data transfer problems

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed July 19, 2023 01:51 AM
    Edited by Satid Singkorapoom Wed July 19, 2023 02:06 AM

    Dear Carlos

    I suspect that you need to check the content of the Field Reference File against DSPFFD of the file at issue and make sure they are consistent. My guess is that the FRF may contain inconsistent data definition.  If you want, you can post the result of DSPFFD and the content of FRF for me to see. 

    In the case of using CRPDUPOBJ to create a new empty file in a new library, what is the error message you receive?   I  tried this method with my system and it worked fine. In my first try, I forgot to highlight the cells of the active Excel sheet and received the error message that the source data had only one column. Once I highlighted the cells, the transfer back to IBM i worked fine.  So, I strongly recommend this method because you do not need to use FRF.

    Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think. -- Albert Einstein.
    Satid S.