Thanks Birgitta I’ll try
Paolo Salvatore
Directa sim
Via Buozzi 5
10121 - Torino
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Original Message:
Sent: 5/13/2022 1:37:00 PM
From: Birgitta Hauser
Subject: RE: Convert timestamp (local time) to UTC
There is a special register CURRENT_TIMEZONE.
If you subtract CURRENT_TIMEZONE from your timestamp then you get the UTC:
Values(Current_Timestamp - Current_Timezone);
Birgitta Hauser
Database and Software Engineer
Selfemployed - Modernization-Education-Consulting on IBM i
+49 170 5269964
Original Message:
Sent: Thu May 12, 2022 06:23 AM
From: Paolo Salvatore
Subject: Convert timestamp (local time) to UTC
in a table I stored a timestamp expressed in my timezone (CEST or CET depends on day light saving time), now I have to read it and convert it to UTC.
I know there's the current offset register, but this is valid only now, if I have a timestamp relative to january, the current offset is wrong,
There's a simple method to covert it to utc?
Or I have to make a function with the range of the date where there's the daylight saving time or not?
Many thanks
Paolo Salvatore