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  • 1.  Carriage returns in HAScript prompt windows?

    Posted 14 days ago
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    I'm working on a way to quickly enter repetitive text into the terminal window. It'd really help if when I make a prompt pop up if the text in the window, or as it's called the "prompt name" could have multiple lines of text. So far everything I've tried to put in the string or concatenate into the string has failed. For example I've tried using character codes like 
 and formatting codes like \n, but I've had no luck. This is mostly just a side project I do on my breaks but any input would be appreciated. I've included a shot of what I've started. Where it says the 2 kinds of commodities is where I'd like to break it up.

    Christopher Verdon

  • 2.  RE: Carriage returns in HAScript prompt windows?

    Posted 14 days ago

    Dear Christopher 

    Please try  <1st line Text> & chr(10) & <2nd line Text>  to see if it works or not.  If not, try chr(13).  

    Satid S

  • 3.  RE: Carriage returns in HAScript prompt windows?

    Posted 14 days ago

    Thanks, Satid. Hasn't worked yet but maybe I'm doing it wrong. I'll show you more of what I'm working with. Here's the code in the code editor

    <prompt name="&apos;1 - Novelty Deodorants 2 - Light Bulbs&apos;" description="" row="0" col="0" len="2" default="" clearfield="false" encrypted="false" movecursor="true" xlatehostkeys="true" assigntovar="$commodity1$" varupdateonly="true" required="false" title="&apos;Select the commodity&apos;" />

    and here's the same prompt in the macro editor window

    Christopher Verdon