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  • 1.  ACS output printers problem

    Posted Wed April 24, 2024 11:47 AM


    i have a problem with ACS trying to access printers output , i obtain MSGGEN001 function failed with CPF9810 Lib "onelibname" not found

    i don't know where it looks for this lib ...i tried searching in Windows registry , nothing 

    i have several created connection whithin ACS, same result for all servers.

    When i am on a client site, with one server , ACS is ok on printers output

    if anyone have an idea ... i can't extract pdf files from spool 


    Jean-Marc Gastal

  • 2.  RE: ACS output printers problem

    Posted Wed April 24, 2024 09:15 PM

    Dear Jean-Marc

    Would you be able to post the error message window for us to see?     Did the Printer Output window appear for you to proceed?   Which ACS release are you using?

    Satid S

  • 3.  RE: ACS output printers problem

    Posted Thu April 25, 2024 10:49 AM
      |   view attached


    i have uploaded screen capture with error messages, 

    ACS version  compil id : 4152


    Jean-Marc Gastal

  • 4.  RE: ACS output printers problem
    Best Answer

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu April 25, 2024 03:23 PM

    Can you check under Edit > Filter, and then look at the "Specify output queues" field?  I bet you have an OUTQ mentioned there, which doesn't actually exist on the server.

    Steven Riedmueller
    Certified IBM i Admin
    Speaker, Mentor, and Advocate

  • 5.  RE: ACS output printers problem

    Posted Fri April 26, 2024 02:37 AM

    Many thanks Steven there was an outq specified in the filters !!

    i'm very glad to use this functionnality again 

    Jean-Marc Gastal

  • 6.  RE: ACS output printers problem

    Posted Mon April 29, 2024 12:01 PM

    Hey Jean-Marc,

    This error typically indicates that a library referenced in the program isn't found.

    Since you've already checked the Windows registry without success, it might be worth examining the configuration settings within ACS itself. Ensure that the library references are correctly configured in ACS for all your servers. Sometimes, discrepancies in library configurations between different servers can lead to such errors.

    Additionally, verify the library list settings in your ACS sessions. It's possible that the library you're trying to access isn't in the library list ACS is using. Adjusting the library list to include the necessary libraries might resolve the issue.

    Since you mentioned that ACS works fine on printers' output when you're at a client site with one server, it could suggest that there might be a difference in the environment setup between your local environment and the client's environment. Comparing the ACS configurations between the two setups might provide some insights.

    If these steps don't resolve the issue, it might be beneficial to consult with your IT support team or the ACS documentation for further troubleshooting steps specific to your setup.

    Hope this helps you get closer to resolving the problem and extracting those PDF files from the spool. Let me know if you need further assistance!

    Justin Gonzalez