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IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents
Join us 23 January from 11 AM - 6 PM ET as over 30 speakers from IBM and key AI industry leaders discuss the latest AI trends.
Where can I get IBM MQ 9.2.5 from? What’s new in the MQ 9.2.5 CD release? Can I get a copy of IBM MQ for development purposes? Downloadable resources MQ system requirements and documentation What function has released in previous continuous delivery updates? Remind me how...
When using shared queues in Queue Sharing Groups (QSGs), there are a number of ways to report on MQ’s interactions with the Coupling Facility (CF). The RMF Coupling Facility Activity report provides a summary view by structure, and gives information including the number of requests to a...
It was recently brought to my attention that there is not a lot of performance information relating to MQ for z/OS page sets, so this blog was created to try to address that deficit. Firstly let’s remind ourselves of the relationship between messages, buffers, buffer pools and page sets. A...
I recently received a question on why the performance of a transaction using MQPUT1 degraded so much when an AMS Confidentiality policy was applied to the queue and this blog aims to answer that question. What is Advanced Message Security (AMS)? IBM MQ Advanced Message Security (IBM MQ...
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In November last year IBM released Java 11 support for z/OS . Prior to this Java 8 was the most recent supported version on the z/OS platform. I'm pleased to announce that MQ for z/OS 9.2 (LTS and CD releases) now support Java 11 when used with either the MQ classes for JMS, or MQ classes for...
The opening of a queue is a fundamental part of being able to use MQ in an application, and in certain configurations such as short-lived transactions, the MQOPEN verb may form a considerable proportion of the MQ cost. From a performance perspective, it is preferable for the application to...
I have had a few questions recently about applications using client mode on z/OS. I have written about this topic before, on the old MQ blog, which is no longer accessible, so here is the information again! Before we go into the details, lets get a couple of bits of terminology defined. MQ...
Published on April 3, 2020 / Updated on April 6, 2020 With FP8 you can run IBM® App Connect Enterprise v11 on z/OS by running it in a z/OS Container Extensions instance. What is IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX)? IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX) is a new...
KirstineClapperton Published on October 21, 2014 / Updated on March 22, 2016 In z/OS V2R1, Language Environment (LE) introduced optimization changes to the dynamic cast call that allowed the possibility of an incorrect return value. After upgrading z/OS to V2R1, you...