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IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents
Join us 23 January from 11 AM - 6 PM ET as over 30 speakers from IBM and key AI industry leaders discuss the latest AI trends.
My father always said, “use the right tool for the job”. Good advice which when not followed delivers poor results. But, sometimes it is not quite clear what the right tool to use is. Once we get passed the confusion between APIs, Services, and Microservices, a good question is – what are...
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Two extremely hot IT topics right now are APIs and Microservices. Unfortunately, too many people think this is one topic – i.e. they are the same thing. This is not correct. There are several misconceptions about APIs and Microservices, and throwing in Services (from Service Oriented...
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Earlier I published part 1 of the ESB and API Management positioning in a blog titled, “ Why an ESB is not API Management ”. But what if you took all of the API Management functionality that is not in a traditional ESB and added it to the ESB as a single product? Would that be a good idea? ...
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Several years into the era of APIs and still one of the most common points of confusion is the positioning of APIs and Services (and Microservices) and the positioning of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and API Management solution. Many see the similarities between an ESB and API Management –...