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Are you looking for some details on how to code for the development of a mobile app? That’s an interesting thing to do. But before you step ahead, you need to choose the programming language . There are so many types of mobile apps. Some of these are called native mobile apps and these are...
Believing you are not going to have to version an API is like believing you are not going to have to change a baby’s diaper. Sooner or later you’ll have a pretty stinky API. Versioning is going to occur. Better to think about how to handle it than react when it becomes necessary. In this...
Continuing the API Economy Business Drivers and Use Case Categories series this blog addresses the first use case category in the series - “Mobile”. A while ago I provided industry examples for APIs across the use case categories and you can find these linked from “ API Use Cases for Every (?...
Manufacturers often do not sell directly to a consumer. So, is there really a need for APIs? – Of course there is! Manufacturers do deal with supply chain, the manufacturing process, and retailers who sell their products as well as their employees and distribution channels. There are many...
Are APIs a legal requirement in your industry today? The answer for now is “no”. But don’t relax thinking you do not need to act, this answer will very quickly be changing to “yes”. It is already starting in some industries and geographies and more will follow. APIs being a simple and secure...
What is the most common question I am asked about APIs? The answer is, “can you give me an example in my industry?” About 15 months ago I started writing a series of blogs giving API examples for every industry. First I introduced a way to structure the discussion in a blog called, “...
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Cities are competing to attract new residents, businesses and visitors and of course keep the residents and businesses that are already there. As we have previously discussed in “ Government APIs – Do more with less ”, resources and budgets are tight. So, cities need to use new techniques to...
When first looking at the Aerospace and Defense industries it seems that there are a limited number of manufacturers that sell military equipment and airplanes to a limited client base – Governments and Airlines. Is there really a benefit to using APIs here? Of course there is! Beneath...
In order to cope with this rising global demand mining companies are making improvements from mining operations to improve production, through the supply chain, and on to integration with global markets and sales. Integration through the use of APIs assists in automating the process while also...
J. Paul Getty said, “My formula for success? – Rise Early, Work Hard, Strike Oil.” With productivity improvements through APIs now available, Mr. Getty might have been able to sleep later and work more efficiently. The Chemical and Petroleum industry benefits through APIs providing access to...
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