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The most frequent request I’ve been getting lately is “Help me build an API Economy Strategy”. Quite a bit goes in to answering this and I struggled with how to address it in this short form blog format. So, strategically (pun intended) I have been writing parts of the answer over the last...
Finishing up the API Economy Business Drivers and Use Case Categories series our final use case category is IoT – Internet of Things. I will focus on the methodology I use to identify API use cases so you can apply this to your specific business. As a reminder, you can find industry examples...
Uber I was very tempted to make this the shortest blog ever written and end it there. But Uber is only one example of innovation with APIs. Continuing the API Economy Business Drivers series this blog addresses the third business driver in the series - “Innovation”. The Innovation...
The next paper in the industry use case series is now available and focuses on the Automotive industry. One of the most common discussions I have with any business is about API use cases related to industry specific scenarios – their scenarios. We are making the information shared in...
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What is the most common question I am asked about APIs? The answer is, “can you give me an example in my industry?” About 15 months ago I started writing a series of blogs giving API examples for every industry. First I introduced a way to structure the discussion in a blog called, “...
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Cities are competing to attract new residents, businesses and visitors and of course keep the residents and businesses that are already there. As we have previously discussed in “ Government APIs – Do more with less ”, resources and budgets are tight. So, cities need to use new techniques to...
Life Sciences is an industry undergoing significant change. Over 30% of the top pharmaceutical companies from a decade ago have undergone a merger or been acquired. New companies from other industries are entering the field. The need for speed to adjust to market changes is critical. Focus on...
When first looking at the Aerospace and Defense industries it seems that there are a limited number of manufacturers that sell military equipment and airplanes to a limited client base – Governments and Airlines. Is there really a benefit to using APIs here? Of course there is! Beneath...
In order to cope with this rising global demand mining companies are making improvements from mining operations to improve production, through the supply chain, and on to integration with global markets and sales. Integration through the use of APIs assists in automating the process while also...
J. Paul Getty said, “My formula for success? – Rise Early, Work Hard, Strike Oil.” With productivity improvements through APIs now available, Mr. Getty might have been able to sleep later and work more efficiently. The Chemical and Petroleum industry benefits through APIs providing access to...
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