Getting Started
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Product versions - (Software AG Cloud: 11.0.x and CIDaaS v3.100.14) Introduction Setting up SSO in the Software AG Cloud (SAG Cloud) with CIDAAS as the IDP is a process that requires some setup in both environments. It requires information from both environments, so it makes sense to open...
APIs are everywhere. They enable business innovation and power mission critical operations for enterprises. With the growing dependence of businesses upon APIs, the awareness for the need to secure and protect APIs is increasing as well. A lot has already been said and written about the need...
Lately, API security has become an extremely hot topic. Take a quick glance at the OWASP Top 10 for API Security and you can see the types of threats that are emerging. Furthermore, as more and more businesses depend on publicly available APIs for things like mobile application support and...
The modern IT landscape is API-driven. We expect the same functionality and data to be accessible from any device. At the same time, once you make APIs publicly available, they are immediately subject to a variety of attacks. Securing APIs individually is a difficult, time-consuming endeavor,...
APIs are everywhere. They drive everything in this current economy. Enterprises are dependent on APIs for their mission-critical operations. This makes API security of the utmost importance for every organization. According to a recent Gartner CIO and Technical Executive survey , cyber and...
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If you have problems logging in, or can log in but do not have enough rights to use a certain product that uses Software AG Common Platform, install and run the Testjaas web application. Download the attached in this article file and install it in the Software AG directory ...
By Abhinav Priyadarshi ( There are two types of MQ Bindings to connect to an MQ Server Queue Manager (QMGR) using an MQ application: Local binding Client binding Local binding With a local binding, an MQ application runs on the same machine where the MQ Server...